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Health topics
… may use a thin, lighted tool ( endoscope ) to look at your nasal passages and to see the shape of your septum. In some cases, the endoscope may be used during … surgery, you may have a nasal splint or pack placed in your nostrils to stop bleeding and keep the septum straight …
Health topics
… Most provincial health units can recommend a program in your area. Quit-tobacco programs are also called tobacco … than any other method. There are no "magic bullets." Change your quit date to match the program date. In many … offered 2 or 3 times a year. Keep this in mind as you plan your timeline for quitting. In-person programs Good …
Health topics
… Problems, Age 12 and Older . Snoring . Insomnia: Improving Your Sleep . Insomnia: Should I Take Sleeping Pills? Sleep … (CPAP) Therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Coping With Changing Sleep Patterns as You Get Older Improving Sleep … (CPAP) Therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Coping With Changing Sleep Patterns as You Get Older Improving Sleep …
Health topics
… not agree about whether these supplements can help protect your heart. footnote 1 If you have severely high triglycerides, your doctor may recommend you take fish oil to try to prevent a problem with your pancreas called pancreatitis . Taking fish oil …
Health topics
… electrical current passes through the needle or probe into your skin and destroys the hair follicle. Hair is unable to … may take a few seconds. What To Expect After electrolysis, your treated skin may temporarily be red, swollen, and … and chest. Electrolysis should not be done on the inside of your ears or nose. It also should never be done to remove …
Health topics
… of preterm birth. footnote 2 How is it treated? If this is your first pregnancy or if you have never had a preterm … birth, having a shortened cervix may not change the way your doctor treats your pregnancy. But if you have a very short cervix, 20 mm …
Health topics
… diagnosed? To find out if you have night eating syndrome, your doctor will ask questions about your medical history and eating patterns. Night eating syndrome often happens along with sleep problems, so your doctor may want to do tests of your sleep …
Health topics
… can keep track of how a person's pulse changes over time. Your doctor uses a number system to rate your pulse. Your doctor will listen to your pulse with a stethoscope for …
Health topics
… surgeon may repair, reposition, or replace the disc with your own tissue or an artificial disc. Scar tissue or bony … be given a mouthpiece (splint) to wear while rehabilitating your jaw. Why It Is Done Open-joint arthroplasty is used … rejection is higher if artificial materials, rather than your own tissue, are used. Other problems such as infection, …
Health topics
… nitrogen application usually takes less than a minute. Your doctor may trim the wart with a small knife before … is usually not needed but may be used in some cases. Your doctor applies the liquid nitrogen to the wart using a … may work for some warts, but it may work better to have your doctor freeze the warts. What To Expect Pain from …