4072 results found
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… of the retina . The burns form scar tissue that seals the blood vessels. By sealing the leaky blood vessels, laser photocoagulation slows down central vision loss. Laser surgery may be done in … lost because of macular degeneration. But it can sometimes slow down or delay further damage to a person's central …
Health topics
… do it to help find the reason for a urinary infection or blood in your urine. Your doctor puts a thin scope with very … and are closer to the bladder than the kidney (in the lower third of the ureter). But newer technology is allowing ureteroscopy to be used even for small stones in or …
Health topics
… a black or purplish appearance. You may need to have the blood drained from under the nail. The black appearance will … months and go away on their own without any treatment. Yellow nails occur when the nail separates from the nail bed … as chronic lung disease or cancer. Nails can also become yellow from smoking cigarettes or from using some nail …
Health topics
… and working conditions. The doctor may then decide whether blood lead levels should be measured. Adults The Canadian … be caused by lead poisoning . If the answers to the following questions are "yes" or "I don't know," a lead test … be caused by lead poisoning . If the answers to the following questions are "yes" or "I don't know," a lead test …
Health topics
… Avascular necrosis is bone death that occurs when the blood supply to the bone is decreased or stopped. Without an adequate blood supply, the bone dies and collapses. If the bone … Avascular necrosis is bone death that occurs when the blood supply to the bone is decreased or stopped. Without an …
Health topics
… visit in the third trimester, you'll be weighed, and your blood pressure and urine will be checked. Your doctor or … these tests. Other tests you may have include tests for blood type, anemia, and HIV . You may be screened for … visit in the third trimester, you'll be weighed, and your blood pressure and urine will be checked. Your doctor or …
Health topics
… check for a urinary tract infection . You may also have a blood test or other tests. An ultrasound may be done to look … , an emergency condition that causes loss of blood flow to the testicles and requires urgent surgical treatment. … , an emergency condition that causes loss of blood flow to the testicles and requires urgent surgical treatment. …
Health topics
… who have ulcerative colitis, inflammation limited to the lower joints of the spine (sacroiliitis) is more common than … another type of arthritis that affects the spine and lower back. Eye symptoms such as inflammation of the iris and blood vessels (uveitis), and inflammation of the white part …
Health topics
… cord care Pregnancy: Should I bank my baby's umbilical cord blood? Umbilical cord blood donation and private banking Physical care Babies …
Health topics
… Babies soon start to recognize familiar people. They slowly realize that people and objects exist even when they … with. Watch out for everyday items that your baby could swallow, such as coins. Be careful as you start to give solid … to stay, strong emotions and behaviour problems may soon follow. You can take steps to prepare for sibling rivalry. For …