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… setting, such as when a foot must be amputated because of diabetes complications. But amputation may also happen … setting, such as when a foot must be amputated because of diabetes complications. But amputation may also happen …
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… creep up. That concerned her, because her mother has type 2 diabetes and her father died of a heart attack when he was … creep up. That concerned her, because her mother has type 2 diabetes and her father died of a heart attack when he was …
Health topics
… forward on the upper bone. This may feel like your knee is giving out. An ACL tear may also hurt other bones or joints … forward on the upper bone. This may feel like your knee is giving out. An ACL tear may also hurt other bones or joints … forward on the upper bone. This may feel like your knee is giving out. An ACL tear may also hurt other bones or joints …
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