3195 results found
Health topics
… high blood pressure or high blood sugar from uncontrolled diabetes. Other things can cause it too, including kidney … that's causing kidney damage. In most cases, this is diabetes or high blood pressure. Managing your blood … people take an active role in managing a health condition. Diabetes: Checking Your Blood Sugar High Blood Pressure: …
Health topics
… you may feel more emotional or less patient. If you find yourself bothered by what other people say and do, try some … situation. Acknowledge how you feel, but move forward. Keep yourself from becoming preoccupied with thoughts about an … you may feel more emotional or less patient. If you find yourself bothered by what other people say and do, try some …
Health topics
… But know that it won't last forever. Take care of yourself. Remember that it's okay to be concerned and anxious yourself. When a person has panic attacks, the entire family … But know that it won't last forever. Take care of yourself. Remember that it's okay to be concerned and …
Health topics
… about how you're able to enjoy some new scenery. Be kind to yourself. Do something that you enjoy. Choose something that … shower, carry a picture of a loved one with you, or treat yourself to a delicious meal. Whatever you decide to do, … about how you're able to enjoy some new scenery. Be kind to yourself. Do something that you enjoy. Choose something that …
Health topics
… have enough upper body strength, you may be able to do this yourself. Your injury and strength will determine what type … Ask for help. If you worry about being able to transfer yourself, ask for help. Explain to the person helping you … have enough upper body strength, you may be able to do this yourself. Your injury and strength will determine what type …
Health topics
… can be treated with medicine that can help you feel like yourself again. People of any age can get hypothyroidism, … in the future. Some lifelong conditions. Type 1 diabetes, vitiligo (an autoimmune disease that causes … in the future. Some lifelong conditions. Type 1 diabetes, vitiligo (an autoimmune disease that causes …
Health topics
… cognitive therapy? After a traumatic event, you might blame yourself for things you couldn't have changed. For example, … You will learn to identify thoughts about the world and yourself that are making you feel afraid or upset. With the … change the way you see the world or the way you think about yourself. In cognitive processing therapy (CPT), your …
Health features
… hazards that increase the risk of falling and hurting yourself. To learn more about some of these common … about cold exposure and the steps you can take to protect yourself and your family: Cold Exposure: Ways the body loses … medical help, and just as important to know how to care for yourself and avoid the need for medical care where possible. …
Health topics
… some extra help. You may also want to find a counsellor for yourself. You can ask your doctor for a referral. Or you … If you're feeling emotional, it's okay to take some time to yourself. Encourage communication. Listen closely when your … other family members, and close friends. Take care of yourself. Do things that you enjoy. It may be reading a …