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3195 results found
Medical tests
… scarring of the liver ( cirrhosis ), darkening of the skin, diabetes , infertility , heart failure , irregular … scarring of the liver ( cirrhosis ), darkening of the skin, diabetes , infertility , heart failure , irregular …
Health topics
… from another severe illness, such as heart disease, diabetes, or an impaired immune system , cause the swelling. … from another severe illness, such as heart disease, diabetes, or an impaired immune system , cause the swelling. …
… personal or family history of glaucoma (angle-closure type) diabetes eating disorders (such as bulimia) heart problems … get sunburned or have skin blisters/redness. If you have diabetes, this drug may make it harder to control your blood … thirst/urination. Your doctor may need to adjust your diabetes medication, exercise program, or diet. Older adults …
Health topics
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