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5307 results found
Medical tests
… such as narcolepsy . Watch brain activity while a person is getting general anesthesia for brain surgery. How To Prepare … only be seen if you are asleep. If your doctor asks you to get less sleep than normal, plan to have someone drive you … be asked to go to sleep. If you can't fall asleep, you may get a sedative to help you sleep. If an EEG is being done to …
… important for normal blood, cells, and nerves. Most people get enough vitamin B12 in their diet, but a deficiency may … over the body may occur. If any of these effects last or get worse, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Remember … diet. Remember that it is best to get your vitamins from healthy foods. Vitamin B12 is commonly found in many foods …
Health topics
… your body also needs these nutrients. Healthy Eating Weight Management Current as of: … your body also needs these nutrients. Healthy Eating Weight Management Current as of: …
Health topics
… order certain tests to see whether your body is generally healthy. These may include blood or urine tests to check: … order certain tests to see whether your body is generally healthy. These may include blood or urine tests to check: …
Health topics
… use concentrated sperm. This chooses the most active and healthy sperm. Are done during the most fertile part of the … use concentrated sperm. This chooses the most active and healthy sperm. Are done during the most fertile part of the …
Health topics
… lead to long-term liver problems. Hepatitis A People can get hepatitis A through exposure to food or water that is … From Hepatitis A When Travelling Hepatitis B You can get hepatitis B through contact with the blood or body … B at Birth (HealthLinkBC File #25d) Hepatitis C You can get hepatitis C through contact with the blood of a person …
Health topics
… Travel during pregnancy generally is safe if you're healthy and not at risk for problems. The safest time to … airline flight doesn't pose a risk. But you could get more than this amount if you fly often on business or as … airline flight doesn't pose a risk. But you could get more than this amount if you fly often on business or as …
Health topics
… a donor? After you decide to be a kidney donor, you will get a blood test called a cross-match. This test shows … pneumonia, and bleeding. A person can live with only one healthy kidney. But doctors are learning that donating a … a donor? After you decide to be a kidney donor, you will get a blood test called a cross-match. This test shows …
Health topics
… types you may see. When you understand their roles, you can get the most out of their expertise. This table outlines the … stay with an appropriate diet. For help creating a heart-healthy diet that works for you Psychiatrist/ psychologist/ … types you may see. When you understand their roles, you can get the most out of their expertise. This table outlines the …
Health topics
… until it doesn't happen anymore. Stuttering that lasts or gets worse over time is called developmental stuttering . … be embarrassing and hard to deal with. It probably won't get better without treatment. What causes it? Stuttering … same is true for teens and adults who stutter. It tends to get worse at stressful times, such as during public …