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… immune system can work better. This lowers your chance of getting HIV complications (such as new infections, cancer) … before you start taking efavirenz and each time you get a refill. If you have any questions regarding the … Swallow the remaining mixture to make sure that you get the entire dose. Swallow within 30 minutes of mixing. Do …
… or chewing. Take this medication regularly in order to get the most benefit from it. To help you remember, take it … adjusts to this medication. If any of these effects last or get worse, contact your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Iron … that it is best to get your vitamins and minerals from healthy foods. Maintain a well-balanced diet and follow any …
Health topics
… weakness or numbness: Gotten worse? Numbness or weakness is getting worse Stayed about the same (not better or worse)? … Pain more than 2 weeks Has the pain: Gotten worse? Pain is getting worse Stayed about the same (not better or worse)? Pain is unchanged Gotten better? Pain is getting better Do you think the problem may be causing a …
… before you start taking sodium clodronate and each time you get a refill. If you have any questions, ask your doctor or … than prescribed. Take this medication regularly to get the most benefit from it. To help you remember, take it … dental exams and learn how to keep your teeth and gums healthy. If you have jaw pain, tell your doctor and dentist …
Health topics
… your risk for developing an inguinal hernia. Stay at a healthy weight through diet and exercise. Avoid rapid weight … or burning in the area of the hernia. These symptoms may get better when you lie down. In babies, a hernia may bulge … hernias, which happen when part of the intestine gets trapped in the hernia, are more common in babies and …
Health topics
… person spreading the illness to another. And people do not get HCPS from farm animals, pets, or insects. But your pet … a hospital right away, even if the case is mild. You will get treatment to support you through the illness, such as … traps to catch rodents, and block areas where rodents can get into your home. Keep garbage in tightly covered …
Health topics
… But it can result in kidney damage if a child who has VUR gets a urinary tract infection. A urinary tract infection … vesicoureteral reflux (VUR). The ureters grow as a child gets older. Mild cases of VUR usually go away completely by … of another UTI and only using antibiotics when your child gets a new infection. Surgery may be needed to repair more …
Health topics
… a community. It usually takes 3 to 6 days for a person to get symptoms of hand-foot-and-mouth disease after being … What are the symptoms? At first your child may feel tired, get a sore throat, or have a fever. Then in a day or two, … there are no symptoms, or they are very mild. Parents may get the disease from their children and not even realize it. …
… other styling products (such as gels, mousse) or before going to bed. To use the foam, rinse your hands in cold … or infected. Wash hands thoroughly after application. Avoid getting the medication in your eyes. If this occurs, rinse … application site may occur. If any of these effects last or get worse, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly. If your …
HealthLinkBC files
… you can see through the clothing easily, then UV rays can get through too. A long-sleeved shirt and pants are the best … sun. Try to find or create shade for your baby if you are going to be outside. Use a stroller with a sunshade if … the Canadian Dermatology Association. Do not let your baby get dehydrated or overheated. Make sure your baby is well …