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5307 results found
Health topics
… ear may occur when water, sand, dirt, or other debris gets into the ear canal. This can damage the protective … layer of the ear canal, which may lead to inflammation. It gets its name because it often occurs when excess water … had swimmer's ear in the past, you are more likely to get it again. A rare but serious infection called malignant …
HealthLinkBC files
… rarely, it can also infect the blood stream. When a person gets sick from this infection it is called … Occasionally symptoms can return after you have started to get better. Rarely, arthritis and Guillain-Barré Syndrome (a … is cutting raw meat on a cutting board and then cutting vegetables on the same board without washing and then …
Health topics
… person on what is real. Tell the person everything you are going to do before you do it. For example, "I'm going take out my cell phone." To help with situations that … consider asking the person to write, "These things are not going to hurt me. These fears are symptoms of my illness. …
… produce immunity (protection) that will prevent you from getting the flu or lessen the seriousness of the infection. … vaccine is given through the nose and is recommended for healthy children and adults. It is not recommended for … or tiredness may occur. If any of these effects last or get worse, tell your health care professional promptly. …
Medical tests
… armpits, and in the chest, belly, and groin. Lymph nodes in healthy people are usually hard to feel. But lymph nodes in the neck, armpit, or groin can get bigger and become tender. Swollen lymph nodes usually … on their own. Check the cause of symptoms, such as an ongoing fever, night sweats, or weight loss. Check to see if a …
Health topics
… symptoms and current treatment to make sure that you can get the most out of the program. They also will identify … the diaphragm to move more easily. Learning to eat well. A healthy diet is important to keep up your strength and health. What To Expect An ongoing pulmonary rehabilitation (rehab) program can help you …
Health topics
… in cycles (also called cluster periods). Most people who get cluster headaches have one or two cluster periods each … 1 month or longer. After a cluster period ends, you may not get another headache for months or even years. As you get older, it's likely that you'll have longer and longer …
Health topics
… of non-surgical treatment. Your symptoms are very bad and get in the way of doing normal activities. There are signs of serious nerve damage in your leg that may be getting worse. These signs include severe weakness, loss of … of non-surgical treatment. Your symptoms are very bad and get in the way of doing normal activities. There are signs …
Health topics
… throughout the day Avoid activities that cause eyestrain Get plenty of sleep at night and rest during the day Get neck, shoulder, face, and scalp massages Apply a cool or …
Health topics
… to do is watch for changes in the swelling. If the swelling gets bigger or if it comes and goes, tell your doctor. Your … comes and goes. The swelling causes pain. The swelling gets worse. If surgery is needed, the doctor or nurse will … to do is watch for changes in the swelling. If the swelling gets bigger or if it comes and goes, tell your doctor. Your …