5307 results found
Health topics
… when a person has vaginal bleeding during pregnancy and gets an ultrasound to find out what is causing it. Some … is low in your uterus, chances are very good that it will get better on its own. The position of the placenta can … if you aren't close to your due date. These medicines help get your baby ready for birth by speeding up lung …
HealthLinkBC files
… or bodies of water. For example, air pollution can get trapped in mountain valleys, especially when … health effects because they can remain in the air longer, get deeper into your lungs and may even get into your bloodstream. Fine particles that have a …
Health topics
… tank. Know how long it will last. Bring refills if needed. Get a portable oxygen concentrator and learn how to use it. … to pack empty oxygen tanks in your checked luggage. You can get these filled at your destination. The airline may supply … sure that the bus or train stops at cities where you can get your tanks refilled, if needed. You may not always have …
Health topics
… the tibial tubercle . Older children and teenagers often get Osgood-Schlatter disease during a growth spurt. Certain … during a growth spurt, when your child's leg bones are getting longer. Certain activities can also cause this to … at the top of the shin. The pain may come and go. It may get worse with activity. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor …
Health topics
… swing their legs into the tub. The bench can help a person get into the tub and can be used during the shower. As you … where the water is directed. If the person doesn't want to get under the water, don't force them. Encourage them to … standing water to drain before helping the person safely get out of the shower. Give the person a towel to dry off, …
Health topics
… you miss a feeding. However, keep in mind that babies who get several bottles a day on a regular basis may start to … Sometimes people turn pump pressure up high to try to get more milk. Pumping at a high pressure can cause pain and … washed and will not work if water is in it. If the tubing gets wet inside, try using a hair dryer to dry it. If …
Health topics
… problems than others. Many jobs, sports and activities, getting older, or having a disease such as osteoporosis or … (loose bodies) from a fracture or dislocation. They may get caught in the joint and interfere with movement. Knee … over 65]. A car crash in which any vehicle involved was going more than 32 km (20 miles) per hour. Any event that …
Health topics
… be normal. This type of slow heart rate is often seen in healthy, athletic people. This type is not likely to cause … be normal. This type of slow heart rate is often seen in healthy, athletic people. This type is not likely to cause …
Health topics
… immune system. This treatment is meant to keep the fetus healthy until the baby is mature enough to be delivered. … immune system. This treatment is meant to keep the fetus healthy until the baby is mature enough to be delivered. …
Health topics
… as family therapy, can help you learn ways to encourage healthy eating behaviours in children and teens who have … as family therapy, can help you learn ways to encourage healthy eating behaviours in children and teens who have …