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5305 results found
Health topics
… Try giving your baby extra hugs and attention instead of going back to the old way of feeding. … Try giving your baby extra hugs and attention instead of going back to the old way of feeding. …
Health topics
… Committing to Quitting: Your Quit-Tobacco Plan On this page: Getting Started Getting Started You've made up your mind that you want to … you. They are friends or family who will tell you to keep going or trying. They will help you deal with stress and bad …
Health topics
… have new and sudden loss of side (peripheral) vision that gets worse over time. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose … This relieves pulling on the retina and prevents tears from getting worse. Vitrectomy. The doctor removes the vitreous … have new and sudden loss of side (peripheral) vision that gets worse over time. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose …
Medical tests
… Urinate before you collect the stool. That way, you won't get any urine in the stool sample. Do not urinate while you … it. Tell your doctor if you think you may have trouble getting the sample to the lab on time. Samples from babies … Urinate before you collect the stool. That way, you won't get any urine in the stool sample. Do not urinate while you …
Health topics
… Nerve or blood vessel injury. Fractures . If too much bone gets shaved off during surgery, the upper edge of the shoulder blade may get weak. A fracture might occur. Current as of: … Nerve or blood vessel injury. Fractures . If too much bone gets shaved off during surgery, the upper edge of the …
HealthLinkBC files
… be spread by sharing clothes, towels or bedding. Anyone can get scabies and it does not mean you have poor personal … or chestfeeding. Because adults do not normally get scabies above the neck, you should not have to apply the …
Health topics
… sweat? Sweating is your body's way of cooling down and getting rid of some chemicals. Sometimes heavy sweating is … level. Botox injections. With this treatment, you get shots in the areas that are causing problems, such as … sweat? Sweating is your body's way of cooling down and getting rid of some chemicals. Sometimes heavy sweating is …
Health topics
… hand. Or it could happen when you pull a child's hand to get them to move faster or when you hold onto a child's … to keep the arm in the most comfortable position until you get medical help. You can also put an ice pack on your … hand. Or it could happen when you pull a child's hand to get them to move faster or when you hold onto a child's …
Health topics
… the vertebrae in your neck . When these bones are joined together, it's called fusion. After the joints are fused, they … hospital stay. Your neck will feel stiff or sore. You will get medicine to help with pain. Most people can go back to work after 4 to 6 weeks. But it may take a few months to get back to your usual activities. What To Expect This …