5307 results found
Health topics
… and grocery list shown below as you follow these steps: Get out your cookbooks and plan several main meals. Make a … breads, tuna, milk, and juice. List plenty of fruits and vegetables. Post this list on the refrigerator and add to it … to be so rigid that you pass up a good sale item. When you get home, cut out and post the menu planner in your kitchen. …
Health topics
… risk for developing medical conditions, such as diabetes. Getting enough physical activity can counteract these risks … physical activity (e.g. walking as if hurrying to get on the bus before it leaves) 2-3 times per week. Do this … that have a positive impact on depression and anxiety, and getting started and staying safe with physical activity. … …
Health topics
… the normal loss of fluid, urine, and stool. Babies also get few calories from early breastfeeding patterns. Their … few days, although frequent, are short. Feedings gradually get longer and the baby gets more calorie-rich milk. After 2 weeks, most infants …
Health topics
… you have Graves' ophthalmopathy? Graves' ophthalmopathy may get worse if your thyroid levels are out of balance. It may also get worse temporarily if you are given radioactive iodine … or eye surgery. You and your doctor will also work to get your thyroid level into a normal range. If you are a …
Health topics
… or soak the wound during the first 48 hours. If you did not get instructions, follow this general advice: Keep the wound … . Your cut may not need a bandage if it is not likely to get dirty, it is not draining, and it is in an area where … you use a bandage, change it every 24 hours and anytime it gets wet or very dirty. Your doctor will tell you when to …
Medical tests
… ) may occur. In people infected with HIV who are not getting treated, CD4+ counts generally decrease as HIV … means a weakened immune system and a higher chance of getting opportunistic infections. Why It Is Done CD4+ counts … acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) . If you don't get treatment, HIV infection can progress to AIDS. Evaluate …
Health topics
… months) is less likely to be uncomfortable or upset after getting a shot if he or she is not hungry or tired. You can … you. See that your baby has a good nap 2 to 4 hours before getting the vaccine. Feed your baby 1 to 2 hours before the … Say that you understand, but that it's important to get vaccinated. Ease tension by distracting your child …
Health topics
… If you must sit for long periods of time, take breaks. Get up and walk around, or lie down. Change positions every … with a fever. You have long-term back pain that suddenly gets much worse, and you did not cause it by being more … health, and be sure to contact your doctor if: You are not getting better as expected. Low Back …
Health topics
… quality of your life. The best way to stop smoking is to get help and to follow a plan. You can increase your chances … replacement therapy (gum, lozenges, patches, or inhalers). Get counselling (by phone, group, or one-on-one). Taking medicine while also getting counselling works even better for quitting smoking. …
Health topics
… when you visit your doctor so you can refine your plan together. You may also want a personal trainer or fitness … goal? Step 4: Prepare for slip-ups or setbacks. What might get in the way of your reaching this goal? You may already … that things like time, money, or not liking exercise could get in the way. How might you get around these? Step 5: Plan …