5309 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… with finances or online/ATM banking. Why don't older adults get help if they are being abused or neglected? Often older … For more information about elder abuse and neglect, or to get help, call or visit the following services: Seniors …
Health topics
… weeks after birth. With time they will gain that cute and healthy baby look. Don't be alarmed if your newborn has: An … baby develops bald spots. Mild skin conditions. Many babies get small pimples on the face. The pimples may appear during … baby develops bald spots. Mild skin conditions. Many babies get small pimples on the face. The pimples may appear during …
Health topics
… (6 to 7 pounds). Weight-loss medicines are used along with healthy eating and being more active. Without those … dose or change to a different medicine. Always be sure you get specific information on the medicine you're taking. For … may keep another medicine from working well. Or you may get a side effect you didn't expect. Medicines may also …
Health topics
… of ceramic that matches your teeth and looks like a normal, healthy tooth. Crowns for the teeth in the back of the mouth … come loose or wear out over time. So you may need to get a crown cemented again or replaced. Risks If tooth decay … other parts of the body. The antibiotics lower your risk of getting an infection in your heart called endocarditis. …
HealthLinkBC files
… brain. Early symptoms may include: Confusion Depression Forgetfulness Difficulty sleeping Behavior changes Impaired … up to 30 years before symptoms begin. How does a person get CJD? Most cases of CJD, about 93 percent, occur without …
HealthLinkBC files
… is essential for plant growth and is present in all vegetables and grains. Nitrate is colourless, tasteless and … of human activities on well water quality. How does nitrate get into well water? Decomposition of organic matter and … baby formula: Safely making and storing formula . How can I get my well water tested? Testing your well water for …
Health topics
… These sleep problems may come and go, or they may be ongoing. What causes it? Insomnia is linked to many things. … wake up. Feel grouchy, sleepy, or anxious and be unable to get things done during the daytime. Find it hard to pay … getting good sleep. You also focus on goals such as having healthy sleep habits and creating a sleep schedule. These …
Health topics
… lutein and lycopene. Why take a supplement? The best way to get the vitamins and minerals you need is by eating a wide variety of healthy foods. A supplement can't make up for unhealthy … even people who have healthy eating habits find it hard to get all the fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods they …
Medical tests
… tests are usually needed to confirm a diagnosis. For many healthy people, a slightly high LDH isn't serious. It can … tests are usually needed to confirm a diagnosis. For many healthy people, a slightly high LDH isn't serious. It can …
Health topics
… It can cause problems with your periods and make it hard to get pregnant. PCOS may also cause other symptoms, such as … thinning hair on the scalp, irregular periods, problems getting pregnant, and depression. PCOS may be more … on your ovaries. How is PCOS treated? Regular exercise, healthy foods, and weight control are the key treatments for …