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5126 results found
Health topics
… and save money. Find out about meal planning, food budgeting, local food programs, and financial supports for … meal planning and tips for grocery shopping: Meal planning: Getting started Meal planning from start to finish in 4 steps …
Health topics
… pee at regular times. This will prevent your bladder from getting too full. If it's hard to start peeing, or if it …
Health topics
… symptoms and help you stay active. Your symptoms may not get worse for many years. Post-polio syndrome usually … progresses very slowly. Only people who have had polio can get post-polio syndrome. But having post-polio syndrome … to start is different for each person. Symptoms may have started as soon as 15 years after you had polio. You are …
Health topics
… hockey, swimming and football. Did you know? Your child can get “huffing and puffing” in lots of different ways – … to active transport and unplanned active play will do! Getting enough physical activity It is recommended that children and youth get a minimum of 60 minutes of physical activity per day to …
Health topics
… And ask how to do strength exercises safely so you don't get hurt. Exercise books and videotapes can also show you … in the back of the knee) stretch. Exercises that target a certain joint such as the knee in order to improve … to help reduce pain in your joints. Other steps to help get rid of pain and stiffness include heat or cold therapy . …
Health topics
… Nerve or blood vessel injury. Fractures . If too much bone gets shaved off during surgery, the upper edge of the shoulder blade may get weak. A fracture might occur. Current as of: … Nerve or blood vessel injury. Fractures . If too much bone gets shaved off during surgery, the upper edge of the …
Health topics
… a week for you to lose all the hair in the area you are getting radiation. Hair usually grows back within 3 to 6 … use brush rollers to set your hair. Do not dye your hair or get a permanent while you are taking chemotherapy or having … a week for you to lose all the hair in the area you are getting radiation. Hair usually grows back within 3 to 6 …
Health topics
… tend to last longer, become stronger, and occur closer together than Braxton Hicks contractions. If you are not sure … is ready to be pushed out. During this phase, contractions get stronger, are more frequent (every 2 to 3 minutes), and … because it improves your circulation. As your contractions get stronger: You may want to use comfort measures, such as …
Health topics
… can do the styling yourself if you want to. If you can't get professional help, try to find a simple style that pleases the person and is easy to maintain. Getting ready Try to wash the person's hair as often as they … can do the styling yourself if you want to. If you can't get professional help, try to find a simple style that …
Health topics
… need to use birth control during this time so you don't get pregnant. It's very important to see your doctor for all follow-up visits. If you do get trophoblastic disease, there's a small chance that it … had trophoblastic disease, it's likely you'll be able to get pregnant later. After a molar pregnancy, you may feel …