5127 results found
Health topics
… a microscope to see them. What causes them? Most people get infected by accidentally swallowing pinworm eggs. Anyone can get pinworms, but they are most common in school-aged … scratches, the eggs can cling to the child's fingers and get stuck under the fingernails. The eggs then stick to …
Health topics
… common, and healthy. You may have sexual changes as you get older. But some changes may be the first sign of a … and expectations can bring you and your partner closer together and help you overcome barriers. If needed, a little … sex and intimacy than by your age. It may take longer to get an erection. Also, more time needs to pass between …
Health topics
… have trouble learning and developing socially if they don't get enough sleep. Children's sleep problems can cause stress … Parents also may be awake much of the night trying to get a child back to sleep. Their own lack of sleep can … Talk to your child's doctor if your child often has trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep. Parents can help their …
Health topics
… medicines, such as spironolactone and furosemide, can help get rid of fluid that has built up in the belly and other … want to visit with a dietitian . A dietitian can help you get started or find more ways to cut down on salt and eat a …
Health topics
… changes in the viral genes. It takes 1 to 2 weeks to get the results. Phenotyping assays measure how well viruses … of antiretroviral medicines. It takes 2 to 3 weeks to get the results. Both of these tests are done on a sample of … changes in the viral genes. It takes 1 to 2 weeks to get the results. Phenotyping assays measure how well viruses …
Health topics
… Crying® . This stage usually starts at about two weeks, gets worse through the second month of life, and stops at … baby that crying is normal. Ask them to call you if they get frustrated, so you can safely remove your baby from …
Health topics
… or thumb can also affect the development of teeth. Try to get your child to stop by four or five years of age - before … around your toddler’s neck or attach it to clothes. It can get tangled around your toddler’s neck. You can use a clip …
Health topics
… and grocery list shown below as you follow these steps: Get out your cookbooks and plan several main meals. Make a … breads, tuna, milk, and juice. List plenty of fruits and vegetables. Post this list on the refrigerator and add to it … to be so rigid that you pass up a good sale item. When you get home, cut out and post the menu planner in your kitchen. …
Medical tests
… ) may occur. In people infected with HIV who are not getting treated, CD4+ counts generally decrease as HIV … means a weakened immune system and a higher chance of getting opportunistic infections. Why It Is Done CD4+ counts … acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) . If you don't get treatment, HIV infection can progress to AIDS. Evaluate …
Health topics
… a heart attack. Be active. Being active can help your heart get stronger and work better. Talk to your doctor before you … as high blood pressure and diabetes. These foods include vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, lean meat, fish, and whole … active Fitness: Adding More Activity to Your Life Fitness: Getting and Staying Active Healthy Muscles Eating healthy …