5127 results found
Health topics
… results change the treatment? If yes, explain: How do I get the test results? What home treatment can I do? Ask the … discuss them with your health professional now. Where can I get more information about this problem or the treatment? How soon do I need to make a decision about getting a test or starting treatment? What signs and …
Health topics
… virus that is carried by mosquitoes. You're more likely to get this illness if you travel to parts of the world where … can spread this illness. They may go on a trip and get bitten by a mosquito that has the virus. Then they get sick and come home. And if they are bitten again, they …
Health topics
… they may prevent joint damage and disability when they are started early. DMARDs are used to treat conditions such as: … it helps with symptoms and may slow how fast a disease gets worse. What about side effects? While taking this medicine, some people feel sick to their stomach or get a skin rash. Other side effects include flu-like …
HealthLinkBC files
… Symptoms vary from person-to-person and many people who do get symptoms may not realize that it’s caused by HSV. … outbreak A primary outbreak happens when someone first gets herpes symptoms; usually beginning 2 to 21 days (on … or send you for a blood test. If the sores have already started to heal, a swab test may not pick up the virus. In …
Health topics
… tenderness of the back of the heel and ankle. Pain usually gets worse while you are wearing shoes and during activity. … 4: Mild pain Mild pain Has the pain: Gotten worse? Pain is getting worse Stayed about the same (not better or worse)? Pain is unchanged Gotten better? Pain is getting better Has the pain lasted for more than 2 days? Yes …
HealthLinkBC files
… tick(s). If you cannot reach the tick or see it clearly, get someone else to remove the tick for you or see a health … yourself, follow these instructions. Use tweezers to gently get a hold of the tick as close to its mouth as possible. … jelly. This does not work and may increase the chance of getting an infection. What to do with the tick once it is …
Health topics
… pets and small children. They can be unpredictable and get in your path when you least expect it. Be sure the … steady you if needed. Stand near the edge of the curb, and get your balance. If you are going up, step up with your … for balance and to take weight off your injured leg. Get your balance again before you start walking. To use your …
Medical tests
… bones and teeth, help nerves work, make muscles squeeze together, help blood clot, and help the heart to work. Almost … blood is carefully controlled. When blood calcium levels get low ( hypocalcemia ), the bones release calcium to bring … it back to a good blood level. When blood calcium levels get high ( hypercalcemia ), the extra calcium is stored in …
Health topics
… it? Thrush occurs when a yeast grows out of control. Babies get thrush because their immune systems aren't strong enough to control the yeast's growth. Older people get thrush because their immune systems weaken with age. … or have certain health problems are more likely to get thrush. What are the symptoms? The most common symptoms …
Health topics
… , you no longer have enough fluid in your body to get blood to your organs. You may go into shock , which is a … ) isn't fully developed. This makes them more likely to get an illness that causes vomiting and diarrhea. Children … be causing the dehydration? Think about whether the problem started after you began using a new medicine or a higher …