5127 results found
Health topics
… Early medical treatment may keep your symptoms from getting worse. If the topical medicines don't help, your … have family members with eczema, you have a higher risk of getting it. Although you may not be able to prevent eczema, … and go over months to years. It is common for the rash to get infected at times. Most children outgrow it. But some …
Health topics
… live with MS for decades. Many become more disabled as they get older. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) … live with MS for decades. Many become more disabled as they get older. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) …
Health topics
… in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius. To make a chart, get a piece of graph paper. At the top of your chart, write … in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius. To make a chart, get a piece of graph paper. At the top of your chart, write …
HealthLinkBC files
… is a parasite that infects the intestines. When you get sick from the infection the illness is called … healthy. In some cases, symptoms can return after you have started to get better. The infection may last longer in people with a …
Health topics
… 4: Mild pain Mild pain Has the pain: Gotten worse? Pain is getting worse Stayed about the same (not better or worse)? Pain is unchanged Gotten better? Pain is getting better Has the pain lasted for more than 2 days? Yes … may not apply to you. But asking it of everyone helps us to get people the help they need. Yes Injury may have been …
Health topics
… changes include your foot spreading and your nails getting thick and brittle. Some changes are common during … weakness or numbness: Gotten worse? Numbness or weakness is getting worse Stayed about the same (not better or worse)? … Pain more than 2 weeks Has the pain: Gotten worse? Pain is getting worse Stayed about the same (not better or worse)? …
Health topics
… your child have a good quality of life. It may be hard to get your child to eat enough. There can be many different reasons for this. For example, some children may get tired while eating, so they may eat less. Heart … give it. To prevent infections, make sure that your child gets the recommended childhood vaccines. To prevent an …
Health topics
… Medicines Following a Treatment Plan When to Call a Doctor Getting Support Overview What is pain? … is a mix of treatments. You and your doctor will work together to find ways to manage your pain so you can feel … Cold and Heat Therapies Knowing When Pain Is Worse Pain can get worse slowly. So it can be hard to tell if your pain is …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Most people who get COVID-19 will recover with time and home care. Here are … coughing, and feeling short of breath. Urge the person to get extra rest and drink plenty of fluids to replace fluids … on the label. Watch for signs that the illness is getting worse. The person may need medical care if they're …
Health topics
… The best time to stop using alcohol and drugs is before you get pregnant. But sometimes pregnancy is unexpected. Drugs … Hallucinations Risk of overdose Certain birth defects Getting help to stop using alcohol or drugs You may already … to encourage you can help. Visit the Government of Canada's Get Help With Substance Use website at …