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5127 results found
Health topics
… past month, how often have you found that you stopped and started again several times when you urinated? Over the past … to begin urination? Over the past month, have you had to get up to urinate during the night? Give a score to the number of times. 0 means you did not get up at all. 1 means you got up 1 time. 2 means you got up …
Health topics
… you were born with it. The damaged airways have a hard time getting rid of mucus (sputum), so the mucus builds up. This … can lead to swelling and repeated infections. Each time you get an infection, your airways are further damaged. It may … of breath. Chest pain that is sudden and stabbing. It may get worse when you breathe in. The pain may spread to the …
Health topics
… attack, it can make it harder to breathe, and the baby may get less oxygen. But when asthma is well controlled, there … your doctor or call for emergency help right away to get instructions on what to do. You may have ultrasounds … have extra protection against influenza (flu) and COVID-19. Get vaccinated for the flu and COVID-19. How can you manage …
Health topics
… urine from the bladder out of the body. As the prostate gets bigger, it may squeeze or partly block the urethra. … BPH causes urinary problems such as: Having trouble getting a urine stream started and completely stopped (dribbling). Often feeling …
Health topics
… measure your belly to check your baby's growth. You'll also get blood and urine tests and have your blood pressure … But some women never have this problem. Your breasts will get larger and may feel tender. Throughout your pregnancy, you may get heartburn or crave certain foods, and you may have aches …
Health topics
… Learn about headaches Does your head hurt? Most people get headaches at least once in awhile, but not all headaches … Learn about headaches Does your head hurt? Most people get headaches at least once in awhile, but not all headaches …
Health topics
… They may be hard to put on, and it may take you awhile to get used to wearing them all day. But if they fit right, … They may be hard to put on, and it may take you awhile to get used to wearing them all day. But if they fit right, …
Health topics
… to develop tooth decay because food and bacteria easily get stuck in the pits and grooves of the surface. Some pits … to develop tooth decay because food and bacteria easily get stuck in the pits and grooves of the surface. Some pits …
Health topics
… be playful yourself! If you like to sing or dance or put together puzzles, do these things with your toddler. It's also … or finger painting. Your toddler may need your help to get started and to understand what to do with the materials. …
Health topics
… you and your support team partner's swimsuit, so they can get in the shower with you music player (with headphones) …