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5127 results found
Health topics
… disc treated? Usually symptoms from a herniated disc will get better on their own. So most people try non-surgical … physiotherapy or rehabilitation programs. If symptoms don't get better, surgery may be an option. Health Tools Health … likely to happen. Things that make it more likely you'll get a herniated disc are called risk factors. Risk factors …
Health topics
… questions before you visit your doctor so you don't forget them. Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you don't … to about your results may not be a doctor. You might also get information from a nurse or a physician's assistant. … Your doctor's office may have a website where you can get help with lab test results. You can also look on a …
Health topics
… well. After you have had chickenpox, you aren't likely to get it again. But the virus stays in your body long after you get over the illness. If the virus becomes active again, it … the varicella-zoster virus. It can spread easily. You can get it from an infected person who sneezes, coughs, or …
Health topics
… after a few days. All you can do is wait for your body to get rid of the germ that's causing the illness. But some … such as bacteria, parasites, and viruses. Harmful germs may get into food when it's prepared or processed or when it's … in your stool. If you vomit or have diarrhea a lot, you can get dehydrated . How is it diagnosed? If you go to the …
Health topics
… for your heart to pump. Then your heart failure symptoms get worse. Sometimes triggers can lead to sudden heart … A sudden weight gain may mean that your heart failure is getting worse. Keep a daily record of your symptoms. Write … extra water. This may cause your heart failure symptoms to get worse. People get most of their sodium from processed …
Health topics
… medical abortion? In a self-managed medical abortion, you get and use abortion pills without working with a doctor. … care through a doctor. This can happen if you can't get an abortion where you live. Or maybe telehealth abortion … available where you live. Or maybe you weren't able to get permission from your guardian. People who have a …
Health topics
… injury No Symptoms began after a head injury Have you been getting headaches? Yes Headaches No Headaches Are you … level of consciousness is typical Is the problem: Quickly getting worse (over minutes to hours)? Decreased level of … be causing your symptoms? Think about whether the symptoms started after you began using a new medicine or a higher …
Health topics
… can include not being interested in sex or having trouble getting sexually excited or reaching orgasm . Sex may also … change medicines that cause sexual problems. You may also get a counselling-based therapy. These include counselling … regularly to your partner about your needs and desires. Get familiar with your own patterns and methods of sexual …
Health topics
… part of cancer management and how to help your clients get started with exercise. The course is free but requires …
Health topics
… A relapse means that the person was symptom-free but then started having symptoms again. Relapses can occur several … syphilis). Tertiary (late) stage If a person doesn't get treatment, late (tertiary) syphilis can develop. It may … syphilis). Tertiary (late) stage If a person doesn't get treatment, late (tertiary) syphilis can develop. It may …