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5127 results found
Health topics
… call for emergency help Call 9-1-1 before starting CPR and get an AED, if there is one nearby. Do CPR for 2 minutes. Then call 9-1-1 and get an AED, if there is one nearby. Do CPR for 2 minutes. Then call 9-1-1 and get an AED, if there is one nearby. If the person is not …
Health topics
… You can help by being loving and supportive. Try not to get upset or punish your child for wetting the bed. What … A small bladder. Some children may have a bladder that gets full quickly. Too little antidiuretic hormone. The body … washroom. They probably will wet the bed less often as they get older and their sleep pattern changes. Emotional or …
Health topics
… untreated, it can spread and lead to problems like trouble getting pregnant. What causes it? A certain kind of bacteria … but may not cause symptoms. That's why it's a good idea to get tested once a year if you are at higher risk for getting chlamydia. Talk to your doctor about what testing is …
Health topics
… dose or change to a different medicine. Always be sure you get specific information on the medicine you're taking. For … may keep another medicine from working well. Or you may get a side effect you didn't expect. Medicines may also … pregnancy or breastfeeding. If you are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or breastfeeding, ask your doctor or …
Health topics
… How can you prevent tetanus? You can prevent tetanus by getting all of your recommended immunizations (shots). There … or if you're not sure if you had them, you'll need to get 3 tetanus shots in about a 1-year time span. (Your … caused by a bacterial infection . The tetanus bacteria get in a wound through a break in the skin or mucous …
Health topics
… your doctor's supervision. This lets your immune system "get used to" the medicine, and you may no longer have an … nausea, or vomiting. If you take penicillin and then get raised bumps on your skin, have trouble breathing, or … How long ago they happened. How they were treated. You may get a skin test to check your reaction to penicillin. Your …
Health topics
… But I am careful to have my snacks and meals so I don't get low blood sugar and fall down when I stand up. The last … When you have a chronic illness, medical decisions may get more complex over time. Daily life can become more … It's important for you and your doctor to keep working together to make decisions about your treatment. You depend on …
Health topics
… be asleep during surgery. Which type of anesthesia you get depends on your doctor and on your overall health. Your … Your nurse may also help turn you as you rest. You will be getting fluids into your vein through an IV tube. You may … exercise instructions to help prevent clots. Most people get out of bed with help on the day of surgery. Your doctor …
Health topics
… at risk for TB? Some people are more likely than others to get TB. This includes people who: Have HIV or another … It is important for people who are at a high risk for getting TB to get tested once or twice every year. What are the symptoms? …
Health topics
… activity guidelines. Physical activity and exercise together with medications can improve COPD symptoms, exercise … pulmonary disease management and how to help your clients get started with exercise. This course is free but does require …