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HealthLinkBC files
… infection. Chickenpox can cause birth defects if the mother gets chickenpox while she is pregnant, and these can be … have crusted. It usually takes 2 to 3 weeks for a person to get sick after exposure to the virus. If your child is … exposed to, or get, chickenpox. Prevention methods must be started as soon as possible to reduce the illness, and the …
Health topics
… may not last as long as a fistula. It's more likely to get infected or to get narrow and cause blood clots. An arteriovenous (AV) … than a graft, and it's less likely to cause blood clots and get infected. You have to plan ahead for a fistula. That's …
Health topics
… may seem like it happens quickly. What happens Near vision gets worse because of presbyopia starting around age 40. It gradually gets worse. Then it stabilizes around age 60. What are the … pairs of varying strength (magnification) to make sure you get glasses that will help you read without straining. If …
Health topics
… You can catch it from someone else who has it, or you can get it from foodborne illness. Foodborne illness can happen … if you eat foods that contain harmful germs. Germs can get into food while the food is growing, during processing, … 2 days, but you might feel bad for a week. In the meantime, get plenty of rest, and make sure you do not become …
Health topics
… in bed. A drawsheet can help. Turning someone in bed Before getting started, tell the person that you want them to roll into … or other medical equipment, adjust these so they don't get in the way. If the person can help You may need to help …
Health topics
… depend on how likely it is that your valve disease will get worse. Your doctor will assess the progression of … artery disease, the regurgitation is more likely to get worse soon, and surgery may be needed sooner. If you are … The severity of regurgitation and the likelihood it will get worse need to be balanced against the risks involved …
Health topics
… about not using it. Anything you do to help yourself get through the urge. (For instance, you could change … date, add another column for the things that helped you get through the urge. Tobacco tracker Tobacco use Time Place … about not using it. Anything you do to help yourself get through the urge. (For instance, you could change …
Health topics
… school during the regular school year. Ask the school about getting a tutor. Tutoring during long absences may help your … episodes when it can be hard to keep their body still. Get support for yourself. Living with or caring for someone … school during the regular school year. Ask the school about getting a tutor. Tutoring during long absences may help your …
Health topics
… happens, it is vital to stay away from infected people. Get vaccinated if you have been around someone who has … to survive and infect people for up to a day. People who get this disease must stay away from others to help prevent … you prevent it? People who have survived smallpox cannot get it again. Also, there is a smallpox vaccination. It has …
Health topics
… sports since his college days, Steve decided it was time to get back in shape and back into the game. Squash (an indoor … stopped working out, the pain was still there. And it was getting worse." The pain began to interfere with other … ready to have the surgery so early in his life. Instead, he started to take a prescription anti-inflammatory medicine to …