5127 results found
Health topics
… serious. What causes it? It's often not clear why someone gets appendicitis. In some cases, a small object (such as a … of your belly or even on your side or back. The pain may get worse if you move, walk, or cough. You may also have a … ask you questions about what symptoms you have, when they started, and what was happening before the pain began. You …
Health topics
… stoves, and furnaces. Have equipment installed properly. Get it inspected often. Don't use space heaters while you … body or clothing catches on fire. Crawl under smoke to get out safely. Use a safety ladder. … stoves, and furnaces. Have equipment installed properly. Get it inspected often. Don't use space heaters while you …
Health topics
… or gas coming from your vagina. Your vagina or vulva may get irritated or infected if you have a fistula. How is it … Your doctor may also use an X-ray, endoscope or MRI to get a clear look and check for all possible tissue damage. … or gas coming from your vagina. Your vagina or vulva may get irritated or infected if you have a fistula. How is it …
Health topics
… that could have hurt your wrist, arm, or neck. You will get a physical examination, including comparing the strength … This includes staying at a healthy weight, not smoking, and getting regular exercise. Keep your wrists straight, or only … to your hand "falling asleep." Numbness or pain that gets worse while you use your hand or wrist. You are most …
Medical tests
… How you prepare may depend on the type of monitor you are getting. Be sure to tell your doctor about all the medicines … before the patch or pads are put on. You may not be able to get the pads or patch wet during the test. Your doctor will … type of activity you were doing and the time your symptoms started. For example, write down the exact times when you: …
Medical tests
… blood vessels during a CT angiogram, you won't be able to get an angioplasty right away to clear the blockage. You … or if you take metformin. Tell your doctor if you get nervous in tight spaces. You may get a medicine to help … is used, you may feel a quick sting or pinch when the IV is started. The dye may make you feel warm and flushed and give …
Health topics
… prepared for rivalry and jealousy. Sibling troubles often get more intense after the newborn stage. Why? It can take a … or no longer want to potty train. Why? They're trying to get back some of the attention you're giving the new baby. … diapers, choose the baby's clothing, feed the baby, help get the baby dressed, hold the baby, or push the stroller. …
HealthLinkBC files
… (dysphagia) can increase the risk of food or other items getting stuck in the upper airway (causing choking) or … it regularly afterwards. The health care team works together to develop the care plan to make sure that the person … under the tongue or in the roof of the mouth Say food “gets stuck” or “goes down the wrong way” Have pain when …
Health topics
… 4: Mild pain Mild pain Has the pain: Gotten worse? Pain is getting worse Stayed about the same (not better or worse)? Pain is unchanged Gotten better? Pain is getting better Has the pain lasted for more than 2 days? Yes … there an object stuck in your finger or hand, and you can't get it out? This could be something like a nail, a needle, …
Health topics
… on a child's age and gender. Violent behaviour may be targeted at parents, other children, friends, or other family … and reasonable. Listen. Try to listen and respond without getting upset when someone tells you something you may not … fellow parent each address conflict with your teen. Talk together to make sure your approaches to conflict are firm, …