5127 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… explains what to do in case of an allergic reaction. To get a blank copy of an Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan , visit … Do not leave the child alone If the child’s symptoms do not get better or get worse, give a second dose of epinephrine as soon as 5 …
Health topics
… STI No Symptoms of STI Do you have severe pelvic pain that started suddenly? Yes Sudden, severe pelvic pain No Sudden, … with the treatment? For example, your symptoms may be getting worse, or you may have new symptoms or side effects … These include: Your age . Babies and older adults tend to get sicker quicker. Your overall health . If you have a …
Health topics
… specialist . Ongoing (chronic) eye problems that may be getting worse are usually checked by an eye doctor ( … drainage. Pus is thicker and may make the eyelids stick together. Yes Pus draining from eye No Pus draining from eye … causing your eye problem? Think about whether the problem started soon after you began using a new medicine or a …
Health topics
Medical tests
… during puberty. This causes boys to develop a deeper voice, get bigger muscles, make sperm , and get facial and body hair. The level of testosterone starts … during puberty. This causes boys to develop a deeper voice, get bigger muscles, make sperm , and get facial and body …
Medical tests
… start collecting your urine in the morning. When you first get up, empty your bladder, but do not save this urine. … urine to the large container, and record the time. Do not get toilet paper, pubic hair, stool (feces), menstrual … start collecting your urine in the morning. When you first get up, empty your bladder, but do not save this urine. …
HealthLinkBC files
… of West Nile virus? Most people infected with WNV will not get sick. A few people will have a mild to moderate illness … for the infection. Most people who are infected with WNV get better, but it may take several weeks or months to …
Health topics
… This is because judgments may lead you to dwell on (or "get stuck" thinking about) unwanted situations, feelings, or … your mind to focus only on the present, you learn not to get lost in regrets from the past or worries about the … This is because judgments may lead you to dwell on (or "get stuck" thinking about) unwanted situations, feelings, or …
Health topics
… may need to pay attention to your diet. Make sure that you get enough potassium, sodium, and other essential nutrients. … include: Nuts. Raisins. Popcorn. Seeds. Chocolate. Raw vegetables. Corn. Medicines When you have an ostomy , most … forms of affection won't hurt your stoma. You may want to get a cover for your ostomy pouch so that waste isn't …
Health topics
… pain is not surprising or dangerous. Most low back pain can get better if you stay active, avoid positions and … the exercises. Try to exercise a little bit every day. Get some type of aerobic exercise, such as walking, every … pain is not surprising or dangerous. Most low back pain can get better if you stay active, avoid positions and …