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5013 results found
… risk of bone loss include doing weight-bearing exercise, getting enough calcium and vitamin D, stopping smoking, and limiting … risk of bone loss include doing weight-bearing exercise, getting enough calcium and vitamin D, stopping smoking, and …
… of bone problems include doing weight-bearing exercise, getting enough calcium and vitamin D, stopping smoking, and limiting … of bone problems include doing weight-bearing exercise, getting enough calcium and vitamin D, stopping smoking, and …
… ways to relieve cough and cold symptoms (such as drinking enough fluids, using a humidifier or saline nose … ways to relieve cough and cold symptoms (such as drinking enough fluids, using a humidifier or saline nose …
Health topics
… than MS. An abnormal finding on an MRI scan alone is not enough to diagnose MS. Your doctor will confirm a diagnosis … than MS. An abnormal finding on an MRI scan alone is not enough to diagnose MS. Your doctor will confirm a diagnosis …
Health topics
… ice in a plastic bag or ice pack you buy at the store. Add enough water to barely cover the ice. Squeeze the air out of … ice in a plastic bag or ice pack you buy at the store. Add enough water to barely cover the ice. Squeeze the air out of …
Health topics
… with the leg over the opposite knee. Pain may be severe enough at night that it disturbs your sleep. Tenderness when … with the leg over the opposite knee. Pain may be severe enough at night that it disturbs your sleep. Tenderness when …
Health topics
… when someone offers you a drink. Try: "Thanks, I've had enough." Or: "Thanks, but I'm cutting back." Or: "No, … when someone offers you a drink. Try: "Thanks, I've had enough." Or: "Thanks, but I'm cutting back." Or: "No, …
Health topics
… This is often the late afternoon feeding. To provide enough nutrition, replace the skipped feeding with expressed …
… sugar (hypoglycemia). This may occur if you do not consume enough calories from food or if you do unusually heavy … sugar (hypoglycemia). This may occur if you do not consume enough calories from food or if you do unusually heavy …
… ways to relieve cough and cold symptoms (such as drinking enough fluids, using a humidifier or saline nose … ways to relieve cough and cold symptoms (such as drinking enough fluids, using a humidifier or saline nose …