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5013 results found
Health topics
… . This type of arthritis is usually caused by getting older. When arthritis affects the small joints in … medicine also can help while your body heals. If you aren't getting better on your own or your pain is very bad, your … may provide short-term pain relief, but there isn't enough evidence to show it will help. Acupuncture may help …
Medical tests
… if urinary problems are being caused by a prostate that is getting bigger, such as from benign prostatic hypertrophy … your bladder until the test is over. If you can't drink enough fluid, your bladder may be filled with water through … if urinary problems are being caused by a prostate that is getting bigger, such as from benign prostatic hypertrophy …
Health topics
… when used early, can help to prevent the disease from getting worse. Many of the medicines used to treat … early treatment may control the disease and keep it from getting worse. When to Call a Doctor Call your doctor now if … dietitian to help you make a plan. Be sure to get enough calcium and vitamin D to protect your bones against …
Health topics
… sugar levels stay high, diabetic retinopathy will keep getting worse. New blood vessels grow on the retina. This … eyes checked regularly can find diabetic retinopathy early enough to treat it and help prevent vision loss. If you … those in the eyes. Delayed diagnosis and treatment. Getting a dilated eye examination will not prevent …
HealthLinkBC files
… salads, or eat them on their own If you find it hard to eat enough fibre from food, talk to your health care provider or …
HealthLinkBC files
… For school age children: One day of advance preparation is enough for most school age children. Older children may …
Health topics
… your eyes from being dry in the morning. Make sure you get enough calcium. Foods that are rich in calcium include milk, … your eyes from being dry in the morning. Make sure you get enough calcium. Foods that are rich in calcium include milk, …
Health topics
… A risk factor is anything that increases your chances of getting sick or having a problem. Risk factors for atrial … to be very low. A heart rate of 110 beats per minute may be enough to help you. These medicines include: Beta-blockers. … A risk factor is anything that increases your chances of getting sick or having a problem. Risk factors for atrial …
Health topics
… health, child development, and child care. This may include getting permission for a police background check. Teach your … , anxiety , depression , or thoughts of suicide. Suddenly getting lower grades in school. For example, a child who … found guilty, sentenced. Investigators sometimes can't find enough evidence to charge someone with a crime. In this …
Health topics
… toward a normal position each time. Some children have enough improvement that the only further treatment is to … toward a normal position each time. Some children have enough improvement that the only further treatment is to …