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Health topics
… practicing skills and doing things for themselves, such as getting dressed or brushing their teeth. Children who are … practicing skills and doing things for themselves, such as getting dressed or brushing their teeth. Children who are …
… it between your palms at least 10 times. If using a cartridge or pen, turn it upside down so that the glass ball … do not reuse needles and syringes. If you are using the cartridges or pens, use a new needle each time. Do not share … it between your palms at least 10 times. If using a cartridge or pen, turn it upside down so that the glass ball …
Health topics
… Feverfew for Migraines Focal Epilepsy General Anesthesia Getting Help Around the House Guillain-Barré Syndrome Head … Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Getting Support Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue … Common Problems Stroke: Dealing With Depression Stroke: Getting Dressed Stroke: How to Prevent Another One Stroke: …
… it between your palms at least 10 times. If using a cartridge or prefilled syringe, turn it upside down so that the … do not reuse needles and syringes. If you are using the cartridges or pens, use a new needle each time. Do not share … in the carton to protect from light. Do not refrigerate cartridges or pens that are currently in use. Discard cartridges …
Health topics
… and fats in your blood. These include LDL, HDL, and triglycerides. High cholesterol levels don't cause symptoms. A blood … your cholesterol levels include: Being overweight. Not getting much physical activity. Smoking. Some medicines. … your chances of quitting for good. Learn more Fitness: Getting and Staying Active Heart-Healthy Eating …
Health topics
… can happen while playing sports. You can also tear it from getting hit around your knee during contact sports. Injuries … like soccer or basketball. You can also tear it from getting hit in your leg or knee during a contact sport like … or competition. Ways to warm up include jogging easily or riding a stationary bicycle for 5 to 10 minutes. Warming up …
Health topics
Health topics
… see if treatment might help. And remember that nagging or getting angry only makes things worse. But giving praise for … see if treatment might help. And remember that nagging or getting angry only makes things worse. But giving praise for …