4955 results found
… away unless you are treating an area on the hands. Avoid getting the product in your eyes, nose, or ears. If the … away unless you are treating an area on the hands. Avoid getting the product in your eyes, nose, or ears. If the …
Medical tests
HealthLinkBC files
… is one of the building blocks of strong bones and teeth. Getting enough calcium early in life helps build strong bones. Getting enough calcium later in life helps keep bones strong … sources table below to find out how much calcium you are getting from food. For foods that have a label, check the …
HealthLinkBC files
… Protection times may be less than this if you are sweating, getting wet, or if the repellant is rubbed off your skin. … repellent to children’s hands to reduce the chance of getting the repellent in their eyes and mouths Apply the … hands and then rub the product over the face. Try to avoid getting it around your mouth or in your eyes. If you do get …
HealthLinkBC files
… people with weak immune systems are at the highest risk of getting sick. What is Tuberculosis (TB)? TB is a serious … TB disease. These laws are to protect other people from getting TB. These laws are part of the B.C. Public Health …
Health topics
… If your body senses that the brain and vital organs aren't getting enough blood, the sympathetic nervous system starts … If your body senses that the brain and vital organs aren't getting enough blood, the sympathetic nervous system starts …
Health topics
Medical tests
… BRCA1 and BRCA2. This test can help you know your chance of getting breast cancer and ovarian cancer . A BRCA gene test … BRCA1 and BRCA2. This test can help you know your chance of getting breast cancer and ovarian cancer . A BRCA gene test …