5145 results found
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… than I am. He understands that I'm nervous about getting a sexually transmitted infection (STI). He isn't … first few days. Mom took me to the women's clinic, and I started using birth control pills. It made all the … decided to use an IUD so that I won't need to worry about getting pregnant until my life is more settled. Sophia, age …
Health topics
Health topics
… There are many tools and resources available to help with getting and staying physically active. These include ones to …
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HealthLinkBC files
… well-marked trails when hiking and stay on them to avoid getting lost. How can I prepare for the wilderness? Whether …
Health topics
Health topics
Health topics
… for most stages of ovarian cancer. Chemotherapy is usually started 1 to 4 weeks after surgery. After a hysterectomy, … after your hysterectomy. Be sure to follow them. Usually, getting some rest and following those instructions will help … after your hysterectomy. Be sure to follow them. Usually, getting some rest and following those instructions will help …