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Health topics
… require digging in the soil have the greatest chance of getting valley fever. This includes people who work on … vehicles (ATVs) in the desert also have a higher chance of getting it. Dust storms can spread the fungus into the air, … cannot get it from another person or from animals. After getting better, most people will not get valley fever again. …
Health topics
… life in the coming decade and improve your experience of getting older. On this page: What is healthy aging? Staying … Activity Helps Prevent a Heart Attack and Stroke Fitness: Getting and Staying Active Healthy eating Eating well is a … an important tool towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Getting older also means checking on things like vision and …
Health topics
… help prevent cavities. Sealants keep food and bacteria from getting stuck in the rough chewing surfaces or grooves of … help prevent cavities. Sealants keep food and bacteria from getting stuck in the rough chewing surfaces or grooves of …
Health topics
… 4: Mild pain Mild pain Has the pain: Gotten worse? Pain is getting worse Stayed about the same (not better or worse)? Pain is unchanged Gotten better? Pain is getting better Has the pain lasted for more than 2 days? Yes … or you have any concerns (for example, if symptoms are not getting better as you would expect). You may need care …
Health topics
… The most common symptoms are pain, bleeding, and trouble getting pregnant. You may have pain in your lower belly, … 28 days. Your menstrual flow is longer than 7 days. You started menstruation before age 12. You have never been … Rectal pain. Pain during bowel movements. Trouble getting pregnant (infertility). This may be the only sign …
Health topics
… Depression: Stop Negative Thoughts Stop Negative Thoughts: Getting Started Dealing With Medicines When you have more than one … with the doctor. Learn more Making Good Health Decisions Getting a Second Opinion Making the Most of Your Appointment …
Health topics
… that kills the worms. Treatment can help keep you from getting infected again and from spreading the infection to … children younger than 2 and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. So to reduce their risk of infection, a doctor may … back. To reduce your chances of spreading the infection or getting infected again: Wash your hands carefully and often. …
Health topics
… but it's okay to ask, "Would you like a hug?" Consider getting a pet. Caring for a pet can help meet your needs for … Using a lubricant, such as K-Y Jelly, may keep you from getting a sore or a tiny cut on your penis or inside your vagina. This can reduce your risk of getting STIs or HIV . Practice safer sex. For older adults, …
Health topics
… to visit with a dietitian . A dietitian can help you get started or find more ways to cut down on salt and eat a … to visit with a dietitian . A dietitian can help you get started or find more ways to cut down on salt and eat a …