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… amount of bleeding has occurred and symptoms are quickly getting worse, you may need surgery to remove the blood that … amount of bleeding has occurred and symptoms are quickly getting worse, you may need surgery to remove the blood that …
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… skin to your nails. You can have fungi on your skin without getting a nail infection. If you are susceptible to fungal … nail infections? There are things you can do to avoid getting a fungal nail infection or having it come back. … skin to your nails. You can have fungi on your skin without getting a nail infection. If you are susceptible to fungal …
Health topics
… your skin from the sun. You may decrease your chances of getting skin cancer and help prevent wrinkles. People with … be outdoors. You can also find how much UV exposure you are getting by using the shadow rule. If your shadow is longer … that has an SPF of 30 or higher to protect your lips from getting sunburned. Wear wraparound sunglasses. Choose ones …
Health topics
… start until early adulthood. Treatment can be hard, and getting better can take years. Problems with emotions and … enough or that they can work things out on their own. But getting treatment is key to improving your symptoms and the … personality disorder includes healthy habits, such as getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, getting regular …
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… you have just one low caesarean scar and your labour is not started with medicine. This risk is why VBAC is often only … labour does not naturally start on its own, labour may be started artificially (induced). Some doctors avoid the use … use pain medicine during labour. Pain medicine usually is started when the cervix has opened (dilated) 3 cm (1.2 in.) …