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5412 results found
Health topics
… Taking insulin, making healthy food choices, and getting regular exercise can help control blood sugar. … Risk Risk factors are things that increase the chances of getting sick or having a problem. Risk factors for type 1 … who has type 1 diabetes may grow and mature more slowly. During puberty, this can delay normal sexual development. It …
Health topics
… fascia ligament and Achilles tendon and keep them from getting tight during the night. Do stretching and strengthening exercises. … fascia ligament and Achilles tendon and keep them from getting tight during the night. Do stretching and …
Health topics
… or playground equipment that’s broken. Drink water before, during, and after being active. ©2017 Province of British …
Medical tests
… of oxygen in the blood. A heart defect may be diagnosed during this procedure. Sometimes, a heart defect is treated during the same procedure or a later one. If your child has … of oxygen in the blood. A heart defect may be diagnosed during this procedure. Sometimes, a heart defect is treated …
Health topics
… decrease around sunset. Keep windows and doors closed, both during the day and at night. Use air-conditioning, and … Mould also produces spores that move around in outdoor air during warmer months. By taking the following precautions, … decrease around sunset. Keep windows and doors closed, both during the day and at night. Use air-conditioning, and …
Health topics
… Then clear your lungs. This can help you breathe better during your meal. Eat while sitting up. This helps remove … your beverage at the end of the meal. Drinking before or during the meal can fill you up more quickly. If you notice … Then clear your lungs. This can help you breathe better during your meal. Eat while sitting up. This helps remove …
Health topics
… a number of sexual positions may help you find comfort during sex, especially if pain or spasms occur during … the lack of movement and feeling you may have, finding and getting into comfortable positions can be hard. It's … the lack of movement and feeling you may have, finding and getting into comfortable positions can be hard. It's …
Health topics
… put you to sleep for the surgery and control your pain both during and after your surgery. He or she will explain how … and other medicines through your IV line before, during, and after your surgery. Preparation in the operating … put you to sleep for the surgery and control your pain both during and after your surgery. He or she will explain how …
Health topics
… information What questions or concerns do I want addressed during this appointment? My symptoms Do I have any symptoms? … the treatment? How soon do I need to make a decision about getting a test or starting treatment? What signs and … the treatment? How soon do I need to make a decision about getting a test or starting treatment? What signs and …
Medical tests
… You may also get a sedative to make you sleepy during the test. To collect the sample, a salt solution may … a sample, you will likely feel a strong urge to cough. During bronchoscopy or collection of a sputum sample using a … You may also get a sedative to make you sleepy during the test. To collect the sample, a salt solution may …