5412 results found
Medical tests
… are standing up. If the release of fluid is not detected during the bladder stress test or Bonney test, it may be … if fluid leaks after coughing. A person who loses fluid during the stress test may be helped by surgery that raises … are standing up. If the release of fluid is not detected during the bladder stress test or Bonney test, it may be …
Health topics
… tissue from the back of your throat. You will be asleep during surgery. The doctor may remove extra tissue from the … You may still need CPAP after surgery. Risks Complications during surgery include accidental damage to surrounding … tissue from the back of your throat. You will be asleep during surgery. The doctor may remove extra tissue from the …
Health topics
… palate. Use a bottle you can squeeze. Squeeze it gently during feeding to help the flow of milk. Prop your baby in … leaking into the baby's nose. Burp your baby often. Do this during and after feeding. Babies with cleft palate tend to … palate. Use a bottle you can squeeze. Squeeze it gently during feeding to help the flow of milk. Prop your baby in …
Health topics
… nerve surgery for symptoms related to cerebral palsy (CP). During SDR, a surgeon cuts the skin over the lower part of … casts or braces may still be needed. Nerves that are cut during SDR do not grow back together. Sometimes not all … nerve surgery for symptoms related to cerebral palsy (CP). During SDR, a surgeon cuts the skin over the lower part of …
Health topics
… food (or not eating at all) on certain days of the week or during certain times of the day. Experts don't agree on … is a type of fasting that limits food on certain days or during certain times of the day. For example, one form … food (or not eating at all) on certain days of the week or during certain times of the day. Experts don't agree on …
Health topics
… and sometimes arms, move repetitively and uncontrollably during sleep. These episodes of limb movement can disrupt … falling or staying asleep (insomnia), or they feel sleepy during the day because the movements disrupt their sleep. … and sometimes arms, move repetitively and uncontrollably during sleep. These episodes of limb movement can disrupt …
Health topics
… Overview Emotional and social growth during the first year of life can be both fascinating and … mouth. The bond grows between parents and their baby during this stage. Around 2 months of age, your baby will … our content . … Overview Emotional and social growth during the first year of life can be both fascinating and …
Health topics
… is that the scar on the uterus may break open (rupture) during labour. Women who have a low transverse caesarean … (0.5%) with a low transverse scar have a uterine rupture during a trial of labour. footnote 1 A woman's risk of … is that the scar on the uterus may break open (rupture) during labour. Women who have a low transverse caesarean …
Health topics
… blood circulate back toward your heart. Elevate your legs during sleep. While you are sleeping, you can help your … 20 cm (6 to 8 in.) blocks. Elevate your legs while awake. During waking hours, try to elevate your legs above the … blood circulate back toward your heart. Elevate your legs during sleep. While you are sleeping, you can help your …
Health topics
… and not enough of the important electrolytes that are lost during diarrhea, and they should not be used to rehydrate. … from humans or animals. Do not use public swimming pools during and at least 2 weeks after diarrhea stops. When … and not enough of the important electrolytes that are lost during diarrhea, and they should not be used to rehydrate. …