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6339 results found
Health topics
… when they get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each day. Sleep gives your brain time to grow and repair cells and rebuild your energy. Lack of sleep over time can cause sleep deprivation, or sleep debt. This affects your energy and mood. It's also linked with conditions like …
Health topics
… Taking Antidepressants Safely Actionset Overview If your doctor has prescribed antidepressants, there are some … can reduce problems and help you get the most benefit from your medicine. Antidepressants work best when you take them exactly as your doctor prescribes them. This also helps reduce side …
Health topics
… Breasts come in all shapes and sizes. The tissue inside your breasts can be different types too. Some breast tissue … fibrous tissue and milk glands. You can't tell how dense your breasts are by looking in the mirror or feeling them. The mammogram report sent to your doctor tells how dense your breasts are. It's written …
HealthLinkBC files
… offer solid foods to my baby? Start offering solid foods to your baby at around 6 months. All babies need more nutrients at this time, especially iron. Your baby may be ready for solid foods if they can: Hold … care provider or call 8-1-1 to speak with a registered dietitian. HealthLinkBC: File #110b Preventing choking in …
Health topics
… breast milk Last updated August 12, 2012 Once you have your breastfeeding routine well established - typically … That will mean you have to either hand express or pump your milk. Here's some advice on what to consider. Watch a … for one of two reasons: Essential: You need to pump because your baby cannot breastfeed or cannot breastfeed well …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Blood Transfusions: Should I Bank …
Health topics
… some basics about safety. As a parent, you can't protect your child from every injury. But you can help your child keep safety in mind. Getting a sports physical A sports physical can tell you if your child has any health problems before he or she starts …
Health topics
… might have a backache and feel some pelvic pressure, as if your period is starting. Some women will also feel … diarrhea. You have "show" (slightly pink, vaginal mucus). Your water (amniotic sac) leaks or ruptures. Tips for you and your support person Carry on your usual activities as long …
Health topics
… You may feel overwhelmed, embarrassed, and even angry yourself. But help is available for you and your child. With patience, support, and help, most children … Aggression is a problem if it happens often and gets your child in trouble at home and at school. Aggression may …
Health topics
… Overview Sex is part of a healthy life and is part of your quality of life. Most people with heart failure can still have an active sex life. You can ask your doctor to help you know if or when it's okay for you to have sex. If you or your partner is worried about having sex, talk with your