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2016 results found
… dizziness, mood swings, trouble sleeping, weight gain/loss, acne, breast swelling/tenderness, change in sexual interest, unwanted hair growth, or hair loss may occur. If any of these effects last or get …
… and response to therapy. Side Effects Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, dry/itchy skin, or skin darkening may … pain/cramping, or blood/mucus in your stool. Temporary hair loss may occur. Normal hair growth should return after treatment has ended. …
… at injection site, breast tenderness, headache, weight gain/loss, acne, nausea, increased body/facial hair, loss of scalp hair, drowsiness, or dizziness may occur. If any of these …
Health topics
… Other early changes of puberty, such as the growth of pubic hair and breasts, have also occurred. Breast development is … during the early to mid-teen years. The growth of facial hair, penis and testicles, and pubic hair continues during the late teen years. These and other …
Health topics
… Short-term side effects can include: Nausea and vomiting. Loss of appetite. Fatigue. Hair thinning or hair loss. Mouth sores. Diarrhea. Increased chance of …
Health topics
… Is this topic for you? This topic has information about the loss of a baby after 20 weeks of pregnancy but before the … their baby and want to take pictures and keep a lock of hair. The hospital may take photographs or footprints for … their baby and want to take pictures and keep a lock of hair. The hospital may take photographs or footprints for …
Medical tests
… get bigger muscles, make sperm , and get facial and body hair. The level of testosterone starts to decline around age … developing male features, such as excessive facial and body hair (hirsutism) and a deep voice. Find out why a woman is … by an underactive pituitary gland, Addison's disease , loss of ovary function through disease or surgery, and some …
Health topics
… which they prefer. It helps to have the person sit in a chair or sit up in bed. But you can shave a person who is … and a towel to put on the person's lap or chest to catch hair. If the person uses a shave lotion for an electric … and a towel to put on the person's lap or chest to catch hair and shaving cream. You'll also need a basin of warm …
… of genitals (penis or clitoris), early development of pubic hair, increased erections (in boys) or sex drive, or … (masculinity), such as a deep voice and body hair. It also helps to maintain muscle and prevent bone loss, and is necessary for natural sexual ability/desire. …
Health topics
… may want a sink bath every day or a few times a week. Their hair may not need to be washed every time. If you can, try … liquid soap. Tear-free shampoo or no-rinse shampoo (if the hair needs to be washed). Offer the person a robe for … of the body that is being bathed. Set up a shower stool or chair at the sink, or the person can stay in a wheelchair if …