2016 results found
Health topics
… problems worse, for example: High blood pressure Memory loss Mood disorders, like depression and anxiety Diabetes Digestive problems Loss of appetite Osteoporosis Stroke Women need to be … alcohol is processed as you age. Dealing with life changes Loss – including the loss of a loved one, a job, good …
Health topics
… as you help your child through grief. Children adjust to loss and death in different ways as they grow and develop. … grieving process. First, examine your own feelings about loss. This is especially important if you lost someone or … Think about what helped (and didn't help) you deal with the loss. The things that helped you may also help your child. …
Health topics
… It's much more common in women than in men. In women, bone loss increases around menopause, when ovaries decrease … and vitamin D. Being inactive due to being in a bed, wheelchair, or other type of chair for long periods of time. Learn more Osteoporosis in …
Health topics
… Information Overview Taste changes may include the complete loss of taste (ageusia), partial loss of taste (hypogeusia), a distorted sense of taste … or revolting taste (cacogeusia). A decrease in or loss of taste is common in older adults. It is part of the …
Health topics
… of seizure-like activity. NES are characterized by a loss of or change in physical function without a central nervous system problem. The loss or change causes periods of physical activity or … to an emotional conflict. People with NES have periods of loss of or change in physical activity that resemble …
Health topics
… often works very well to prevent, delay, or reduce vision loss. The earlier retinopathy is found, the easier it is to … This usually works very well to prevent vision loss if it's done before the retina has been severely … have diabetes and what you can do to help prevent vision loss. Keeping your blood sugar levels and blood pressure …
Health topics
… pick a hearing aid based on the type and how much hearing loss you have and other factors. The audiologist can help … to wear hearing aids in both ears, even if the hearing loss in the ears is not equal. You may be able to see the … aids fit and work for your type and degree of hearing loss. Prescription hearing aids work for people with mild to …
Health topics
… inflamed, you may have blurred or double vision or even loss of vision. What causes it? Your doctor may not know … are the symptoms? Optic neuritis may cause partial or total loss of vision, usually in one eye. You may have pain when you move your eye. When vision loss is partial, you may have: Loss of vision in the centre …
Health topics
… Sheehan's syndrome is sometimes caused by severe blood loss after giving birth. What are the symptoms? With … and muscle weakness. These may get worse over time. Weight loss. Profound weight loss is a prominent symptom. Loss of appetite. Headaches. …
Health topics
… If the tape holding the bandage is stuck to the skin or hair on the skin, use bandage adhesive remover before trying … If the tape holding the bandage is stuck to the skin or hair on the skin, use bandage adhesive remover before trying …