2016 results found
Health topics
… age. Your risk for osteoporosis goes up as you get older. Loss of the male hormone testosterone . As you age, your … that low levels of estrogen in men can lead to bone loss. Certain diseases of the: Hormone (endocrine) system, … urine tests to rule out other problems that may cause bone loss. Blood tests can also tell if low levels of …
Health topics
… blisters on the face that burst and become crusty. Infected hair follicles ( folliculitis ). This condition causes red, … that turn into blisters at or near the base of strands of hair. Other causes of blisters include: Scabies . A scabies … blisters on the face that burst and become crusty. Infected hair follicles ( folliculitis ). This condition causes red, …
Health topics
… Puberty is when sex characteristics begin to develop. Pubic hair grows. In females, breasts begin to develop and periods start. Males grow facial hair. It's important to reassure your child that these … and healthy. Your child will be encouraged to brush and floss regularly. Children need an eye examination every 1 to …
Health topics
… you had any new vision changes? These could include vision loss, double vision, or new trouble seeing clearly. Yes New … vision changes No New vision changes Did you have a sudden loss of vision? A loss of vision means that you cannot see out of the eye or …
Health topics
… any part of the body and can cause: Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and weight loss. Changes in mental status, such as confusion, reduced … any part of the body and can cause: Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and weight loss. Changes in mental status, …
Health topics
… help lower your risk for coronary artery disease. Weight loss often improves other risk factors, such as blood … if you need to. Your doctor can help you find a weight-loss program that can work for you. What is the importance … help lower your risk for coronary artery disease. Weight loss often improves other risk factors, such as blood …
Health topics
… Symptoms of tick paralysis include: Tingling, numbness, or loss of feeling or movement that starts in your hands or feet. Trouble swallowing or talking. Double vision. Loss of movement in your face. If the tick bite is on the … Symptoms of tick paralysis include: Tingling, numbness, or loss of feeling or movement that starts in your hands or …
Health topics
… a low roaring, ringing, or hissing in your ear. Hearing loss, which may be temporary or permanent. A feeling of … but you may be left with: Poor balance. Permanent hearing loss. Roaring or hissing in the affected ear. A few people … both the discomfort of the attacks and your risk of hearing loss. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose the disease, your …
Health topics
… "make" sound if you have a certain type of severe hearing loss in both ears. The implant does the job of the damaged … according to your specific needs and degree of hearing loss. Unlike hearing aids, cochlear implants do not make … about the cochlear implant. Hearing Loss Meningitis Current as of: March 1, 2023 Author: …
HealthLinkBC files
… suddenly and may include a fever, sore throat, headache or loss of appetite. Vomiting and diarrhea may also be present. … have no symptoms. What are the complications? Dehydration (loss of body fluids) is the most common complication of … (swelling of the brain) are very rare. Peeling skin and loss of fingernails or toenails have also been reported, …