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5174 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain and fever. Children 5 years and under are at a higher risk of … if yours does. Separate Germs from raw foods can spread to other foods when not handled properly. This is called cross … the risk: Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from other foods in the grocery cart, shopping bags and fridge …
Health topics
… Leukemia cells can also spread to the lymph nodes or other organs and cause swelling or pain. Are there different … bruising, or very heavy menstrual bleeding. Frequent fevers. Night sweats. Bone pain. Unexplained appetite loss … bruising, or very heavy menstrual bleeding. Frequent fevers. Night sweats. Bone pain. Unexplained appetite loss …
Health topics
… Care Centres, Foundry Centres, Community Health Centres and other health clinics. Image Find out about primary care in … reproductive and sexual health, mental health and other physical health concerns. Find a Family Practice … strains, infections, less serious child illness and injury, fevers, asthma attacks, cuts, wounds or skin conditions. …
Health topics
… as it flows through them, trapping bacteria, viruses, and other foreign substances, which are then destroyed by … mumps. Mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus), which results in fever, sore throat, and fatigue, or cytomegalovirus (CMV) , … mumps. Mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus), which results in fever, sore throat, and fatigue, or cytomegalovirus (CMV) , …
Health topics
… you first get your cast A cast protects a broken bone or other injury. Most casts are made of fibreglass, but plaster … near the cast. (Some swelling is normal.) You have a new fever. There is drainage or a bad smell coming from the … near the cast. (Some swelling is normal.) You have a new fever. There is drainage or a bad smell coming from the …
… redness/swelling/itching (inflammation) of the eye/ear from other causes (such as allergy, rosacea, seborrhea, eczema). … only bacterial infections. It will not work for other types of ear/eye infections and may worsen them (such … resulting in a return of the infection. If treatment is for allergies/swelling, then stopping too soon may result in a …
Health topics
… can easily massage your feet, hands, or neck while doing other tasks or while relaxing. Self-massage works best if … But it isn't a good idea to get a massage if you: Have a fever or a contagious disease. Have bruises or skin … But it isn't a good idea to get a massage if you: Have a fever or a contagious disease. Have bruises or skin …
Health topics
… For some women, the medicine may slow down labour. For others, it has no effect on the length of labour. In some … problems urinating or walking after delivery, and a fever. A rare side effect is a seizure. … problems urinating or walking after delivery, and a fever. A rare side effect is a seizure. …
Health topics
… have redness or swelling in the area. You may also have a fever. You may have cloudy fluid or blood draining from the … to diagnose pilonidal disease. You probably won't need any other tests unless the area doesn't heal or your doctor … have redness or swelling in the area. You may also have a fever. You may have cloudy fluid or blood draining from the …
Health topics
… can result in "leftover" calories being stored as fat. Other people use calories less efficiently—they need more … rate, so losing too much muscle reduces metabolism. Fever and severe physical stress, such as recovery from … rate, so losing too much muscle reduces metabolism. Fever and severe physical stress, such as recovery from …