5174 results found
Health topics
… be a sign of a problem. The symptoms of DMDD are similar to other disorders, like oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). When a child has DMDD, they may also have other disorders, (such as depression or ADHD). Not all … research on it. A child with DMDD is more likely to have other disorders (such as depression or anxiety) as an adult. …
Health topics
… This is especially important when playing with bikes or other wheeled toys Drinking water before, during and after … equipment, uneven surfaces and sharp objects Play against other children of similar size and age in competitive sports … the reasons he doesn’t want to do it, and help him think of other activities to try. Physical activity is meant to be …
Health topics
… for an upset stomach, sleeping problems, or menstrual pain. Others take chamomile supplements for anxiety. Or they use … isn't clear proof that taking chamomile helps with these or other health problems. Risks Side effects are uncommon but … with prescription and non-prescription medicines or other natural health products you might be taking. A side …
Health topics
… will not drink alcohol or use any other harmful or illegal substances. Our plan for preventing … from someone who has been using drugs or drinking, I will: Other risky situations that we have identified include: … be: If I drink alcohol, the consequence will be: If I take other drugs, the consequence will be: If I ride with a …
Health topics
… with their own desires and needs and can be insensitive to others. Because they are so self-centred, they seem to believe other people are watching them. As a result, some teens may … and constantly look in the mirror to see how they look to others. It is normal for adolescents to have a sense of …
Health topics
… the facts Your options Have a blood or urine test or some other test to screen for sexually transmitted infections. … can get treatment and prevent spreading the infection to others. Left untreated, some STIs can lead to serious … they can be tested. Some STIs can be cured with treatment. Others can't be cured, but treatment can help with symptoms. …
Health topics
… facts Your options Have surgery for plantar fasciitis. Try other treatment to see if your heel pain improves. Key … will not. Experts suggest that you try at least 6 months of other treatment before you consider surgery. Surgery may be … time, this may lead to more discomfort and pain as well as other foot, leg, hip, or back problems. Long-term (chronic) …
Health topics
… has a unique way of feeling, thinking, and interacting with others. Some children are shy, while others are outgoing. Some are active, while others are calm. Some are fretful, while others are …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Some other conditions can cause symptoms that look like … with depression, a doctor may need to rule out these other conditions. They include: Bipolar disorder . This … has symptoms that cycle from depression to mania . Other mental conditions. These include anxiety disorders, …
Health topics
… are moulded pieces of rubber, leather, metal, plastic, or other synthetic material that are inserted into a shoe. They … the leg nearest the wall centred over the ankle. Bend your other (front) leg at the knee, and press the wall with both … toes of one foot (keep your heel on the floor and use your other foot to anchor the towel). Curl your toes to pull the …