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Health topics
… day the symptom starts             Time of day the symptom bothers you the most             Does the symptom come and go … caffeinated drinks (number and time) Smoking or the use of other tobacco products               What other symptoms do you have:             Rate how you felt …
Health topics
… 14, 2013 Some babies can latch themselves without any help. Other babies may need gentle guidance. Latching your baby … VIDEO: Breastfeeding positions VIDEO: Cup feeding and other feeding methods VIDEO: Hand expressing milk VIDEO: …
Health topics
… kinds of birthmarks fade or go away as a child gets older. Others stay the same or get bigger, darker, or thicker. … birthmarks are from extra colour (pigment) in the skin. Other birthmarks are blood vessels that are bunched together … It's not clear why some children have birthmarks and others don't. What kinds of birthmarks are there? Salmon …
Health topics
… signals to the brain that the body is moving. But your other senses (such as vision) don't detect the same … of vertigo and dizziness may be caused by many problems other than labyrinthitis. Vertigo begins without warning. It … the cause of your vertigo is not clear, your doctor may do other tests. These may include a hearing test (audiometry), …
Health topics
… ligaments, skin, muscles, or bones rub against each other. Doing the same movement over and over or putting … such as a blow to the elbow. Bursitis can also be caused by other problems, such as arthritis or infection ( septic … are severe or get worse even after treatment, you may need other tests. Your doctor may drain fluid from the bursa and …
Health topics
… emotions, such as: Feeling hopeless or that the world and other people aren't safe. Being overwhelmed by certain … or dreams about the event. Certain smells, noises, or other reminders of the event may cause them. Having trouble … a mental health crisis, a substance use crisis, or any other kind of emotional distress, get help right away. Call …
Health topics
… reaction that causes your blood pressure to go up. Other things that may cause this reaction include: Urinary … ulcers, or gastritis . Pressure injuries . Ingrown nails or other skin problems. Sexual activity. Broken bones or other injuries. Tight clothing or devices. Extreme …
Health topics
… snorted, smoked, or injected into a muscle or vein. Other names for heroin are smack, junk, H, and ska. Heroin is often used along with other drugs, especially cocaine and alcohol. Some people … and cocaine (crisscrossing). Or they may inject it with another drug (speedball). Heroin is often mixed (cut) with …
Health topics
… occurs most often in people who are being treated for another serious illness or injury. Most of the time, people who get ARDS are already in the hospital for another reason. This is a very serious condition that causes … ARDS based on a medical and physical examination and other tests. An arterial blood gas test may be done to check …
Health topics
… in one area, such as language. But they may be behind in another, such as sensory and motor development. Milestones … This means that children play next to or alongside each other but don't interact with other children. Like to interact with parents and other