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5174 results found
Health topics
… likes and dislikes Laugh Not want to be away from you or other caregivers Show fear (possibly by crying) if he is … during feeding time Focus when doing something, ignoring other things that are going on Look worried about loud … for certain people, objects or places Be sensitive to other children and perhaps cry if they cry React to other
Medical tests
… women older than 50. Lumps or changes also may be signs of other breast conditions, such as mastitis or a fibroadenoma … likely to be swollen or tender. Examining your breasts at other times in your menstrual cycle may make it hard to compare results of one examination with another. If your menstrual cycle is irregular, or if you have …
Health topics
… arthritis . Calluses and corns may also be caused by other things, including a person's activities (such as a … A wider toe box keeps the toes from pressing against each other, relieving pressure on soft corns. A deeper toe box … separators . Toe crest pads . Toe caps and toe sleeves . Other things you can try include: Reducing the size of the …
Health topics
… in one area, such as language, but a little behind in another. At routine checkups, your child's doctor will check … feelings. At age 2, children are excited about being around other children. But most children at this age play near each other rather than with each other. (This is called parallel …
Health topics
… and see" approach to surgery because the hernia doesn't bother you much. Key points to remember Hernias don't go away … and you don't have any symptoms, or if the symptoms don't bother you much, you and your doctor may simply continue to … had this weak spot since you were born, when muscle and other tissue around your umbilical cord didn't close …
Health topics
… baby's bottom. Your baby's abdomen lies against yours. Your other hand can support the breast and guide it into your … most common hold, but it does not offer as much control as other holds. The cradle hold position usually does work well … the shoulders with fingers up and supporting the head. The other hand (on the same side as the breast being used) …
Health topics
… past. You may be more tempted to smoke when you: Are around others who are smoking. Drink alcohol. Feel angry or … Are at a party. Have easy access to cigarettes. Are there other situations that make you want to light up a cigarette? … Stay focused on quitting smoking. Don't try to achieve other goals while you are in the process of quitting. For …
Health topics
… the most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults. Many other things can cause the blood vessel damage that leads to … in your blood. A kidney biopsy . You may also have other tests to identify what is causing nephrotic syndrome. … low risk for problems or are getting better on their own. Others may need medicines that decrease the body's immune …
Health topics
… to comes from nature. It's in rock, soil, and the air. The other half comes from man-made sources like medical tests, … Over time, radiation exposure may cause cancer and other health problems. But the risk of this happening is … of these tests. CT scans generally use more radiation than other X-ray tests. The risk of an adult getting cancer from …
Health topics
… and reckless driving. Relationship problems. You may see others as either "good" or "bad" and may shift from one view to the other suddenly, for minor reasons. This can make … hold on to those around you. Or it may cause you to reject others before they can reject you. Aggressive behaviour. …