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5174 results found
Health topics
… spaces help some teens and young adults to live alone. Other teens and young adults live in group homes with other people where they can get extra help if they need it. Some people find it helps to: Talk with other parents about how they have helped their children with …
Health topics
… pain means that a problem exists somewhere else in the body other than where you feel the pain. Causes of referred … felt in the shoulder on the same side as the lung problem. Other conditions, such as herpes zoster ( shingles ), Paget's disease , or thoracic outlet syndrome . Other problems, such as gas from laparoscopic abdominal …
Health topics
… together, you can build strong connections with one another and your child. Personal support networks While your partner may be your primary source of support, many others can be added to your personal support network. Think … members, friends, neighbours and co-workers to support you. Other members of your personal support network may include a …
Health topics
… ___ After treating high blood sugar. ___ Before driving. Other times: ____________________________________. ___ After … ___ After dinner. I need to test my blood sugar at these other times when I am ill: I need to call my health … my health professional if my blood sugar is above ____. Other questions about blood sugar testing: Current …
Health topics
… of Pain® (IASP®). The figure may not be reproduced for any other purpose without permission. These faces show how much … something can hurt. The face on the left shows no pain. The other faces in turn show more and more pain. The face on the … control diary Date Time Pain scale rating Medicine and dose Other pain relief methods Side effects from pain medicine …
Health topics
… level. Keep some glucose or sucrose tablets or solution or other quick-sugar foods with you at all times. Eat some at … copy in your wallet or purse. Be sure that your partner and others concerned know your early symptoms, including the … have diabetes and will get help for you if needed. Teach others (at work and at home) how to check your blood sugar …
Health topics
… of child abuse or elder abuse. MSBP is sometimes called other things, such as medical child abuse. Since most cases of MSBP are between a caregiver (usually a mother) and a child, this information describes that … attention not only from doctors and nurses but also from others in their community. For example, neighbours may try …
Medical tests
… examination is done to check for problems with organs or other structures in the pelvis and lower belly. During the … finger of one hand into the rectum . He or she may use the other hand to press on the lower belly or pelvic area. A … gynecological examination to check the uterus and ovaries . Other organs, such as the bladder, can sometimes also be …
Health topics
… information and training on doing your household tasks and other activities that can be more challenging when you have … to mark electrical outlets, oven dials, thermostats, and other items so that they are easier to find and use. Paint … on a white background, when making labels, signs, and other markings. Post signs at eye level. Label any medicines …
Health topics
… breath. The flow of saliva almost stops during sleep. Many other things can cause bad breath, such as missing meals, … or eating foods with a strong odour, such as garlic. Other causes include throat or mouth infections (such as … taking certain medicines. After drinking alcohol beverages. Other causes of bad or changed breath include: Eating foods …