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… released into outdoor air, sulphur dioxide can react with other pollutants in the air to form fine particulate matter. … smelting Pipeline operations Pulp and paper production Other emission sources of sulphur dioxide include: Large … exposure. People who live near these industries and other point sources can also be exposed to higher levels of …
Health topics
… of easy access. This technique is usually combined with other techniques. Shorten each breastfeeding session before … a primary way of satisfying hunger or thirst, be ready with other foods and drinks before your child asks to breastfeed. … When weaning abruptly, choose a time when you don't expect other major changes in your or your baby's life and when you …
Health topics
… hospitals have defined times when meals are delivered. In other hospitals, you can order food at any time. Often there … sells snack items, as well as toiletries, magazines, and other small items you may want. If a visitor wants to bring … the day and night. Nurses are assisted by a variety of other health care workers, such as licensed nurses (LPNs) , …
Health topics
… primary care doctor, or family doctor, may refer you to another doctor for a problem. You may see a specialist for another health concern. You may need a surgeon. Having many … to your doctors, or if your doctors don't talk to each other, you may: Be confused about which medicines you need …
Health topics
… with daily activities If you have a family member or other loved one who has coronary artery disease, you may … getting out of the house to shop for food and may depend on others for what he or she eats. If you can, also ask … Giving emotional support Connecting to family, friends, and other people is good for your loved one and for his or her …
Health topics
… child can drown in as little as 2.5 cm (1 in.) of water or other liquid. The following recommendations can help you … ditches are nearby. Fill holes and install fences or other barriers to protect your child. Make sure that pools … a child out of your sight while you are doing yard work or other outdoor activities. Never let your child swim in any …
Health topics
… ovarian insufficiency may develop after a hysterectomy or other pelvic surgery or from radiation or chemotherapy treatment for cancer. In some of these cases, the … questions about your general health and whether you have other symptoms of primary ovarian insufficiency. You will …
Health topics
… doctor relies on a combination of examinations, tests, and other information to diagnose ADHD. It is often diagnosed … restless and fidgety. They aren't able to enjoy reading or other quiet activities. Most people with ADHD are … turn or to share. This makes it hard for them to play with other children. Teens and adults may make quick decisions …
Health topics
… may cause a feeling of intense fear, terror, or anxiety. Other symptoms include trouble breathing, chest pain or … panic attacks. And you may worry that you'll have another attack. Because of this fear, you may change your … a physical examination. You may get blood tests to rule out other causes of your symptoms. You may have panic disorder …
Health topics
… forms in a deep vein in the leg and travels to the lungs. Other things can block an artery, such as tumours or air … to diagnose. That's because the symptoms are like those of other problems, like a heart attack . A doctor will do a … You might have tests to look for blood clots or rule out other causes of your symptoms. Tests may include blood tests …