5174 results found
Health topics
… Symptoms include: Feeling as though your clothes, rings, or other jewellery are too tight. A feeling of fullness in your … If you are in the hospital, make sure that your nurse and other hospital staff know about your condition. If your leg … do. Exercises can help drain the lymph fluid. See a physiotherapist . He or she can teach you how to do special …
Health topics
… of breast cancer. It is often called IBC for short. Unlike other breast cancers, this type of cancer may not cause a … But this type of cancer is rare. It may be mistaken for another problem, like mastitis. Mastitis is usually treated … treated? Treatment is based on the stage of the cancer and other things, such as your overall health. It's important to …
Health topics
… during the week. Join a caregiver support group. Meeting other caregivers helps you know you're not alone. And it … you a chance to talk about your worries and concerns with others who understand. Find respite care. Respite services … resources in your community. Hospitals, churches, and other groups may provide transportation or other services …
Medical tests
… (such as if you are a health care worker). You've had other tests that show you have liver problems. You are … have a chronic infection. You can spread the infection to others. Hepatitis B surface antibody shows the end of active … B e-antigen shows an active infection. You can spread it to others. Hepatitis B DNA means that you have a current …
Health topics
… it feels like chest pain or pressure. Some people feel other symptoms. These include pain, pressure, or a strange … feeling in the chest. But you might feel symptoms in other parts of your body. Some people feel pain, pressure, … jaw, or upper belly, or in one or both shoulders or arms. Other symptoms of angina include shortness of breath, nausea …
Medical tests
… blood vessels. Albumin also helps carry some medicines and other substances through the blood and is important for … gamma types. Some globulins are made by the liver, while others are made by the immune system . Certain globulins bind with hemoglobin . Other globulins transport metals, such as iron, in the blood …
Health topics
… caused by damage to the bile ducts in the liver. Much like other forms of liver disease, PBC permanently damages the … such as an ultrasound, which shows images of the liver and other tissues inside the body. Your doctor may also do a … because the immune system appears to be involved. As with other forms of liver disease, treatment focuses on reducing …
Health topics
… much space in the jaw, the teeth may drift out of place. Other causes of malocclusion include thumb-sucking, pacifier … This means that the upper front teeth are pushed outward. Others have an underbite. Their lower front teeth sit … works best during a child's growth spurts . Braces or other devices can be used to slowly move the teeth to …
Health topics
… who's at risk for suicide has these signs. They may have others. For example, they may seem hopeless, anxious, or … they may quit caring about how they look. There may also be other reasons for these behaviours. Where to get help 24 … a mental health crisis, a substance use crisis, or any other kind of emotional distress, get help right away. Call …
Health topics
… after eating. A person may describe this feeling as "gas." Other symptoms may occur at the same time. They include … vigorous exercise, and pregnancy. Smoking and use of other tobacco products. Prescription and non-prescription … swallowing, and weight loss. Heartburn may occur with other symptoms, such as hoarseness, a feeling that food is …