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5174 results found
Health topics
… are narrowed, how many are narrowed, and whether you have other health problems such as diabetes. Most of the time, … surgeon connects, or grafts, a healthy blood vessel from another part of your body to the narrowed coronary artery. The … the new blood vessels used in the bypass, as well as in the other arteries. If this happens, you may choose to have …
Health topics
… of someone else? Yes Concerned about safety of self or others No Concerned about safety of self or others Do you have concerns about any other type of abuse? Abuse can be physical, sexual, or …
Health topics
… show a clear cause of your problems, your doctor may do other tests. How are hemorrhoids treated? For most external … may cause a little discomfort for a limited time. Other people have recurrent bouts of discomfort when … internal hemorrhoids may not grow larger if bowel habits or other factors change to lower pressure on the veins in the …
Health topics
… in one area, such as language, but a little behind in another. At routine checkups, your child's doctor will check … development. Babies form bonds with their parents and other caregivers. When cared for in a loving and consistent … way, most babies start to engage and interact with others. Language development. Babies start communicating …
Health topics
… Keep trying to get pregnant on your own, or think about other options for parenting. Key points to remember … support group before you make your decision. Talking with other people can help you feel less alone. What types of … that some infertility problems are more easily treated than others. In general, as a woman ages, especially after age …
Health topics
… treat symptoms for a short time before menopause. Choose another method to treat uterine fibroids, such as … also have problems with infertility, you may want to try another treatment. Key points to remember Taking … no symptoms. But fibroids can cause bad pain, bleeding, and other problems. The cause of fibroids is not known. But the …
Health topics
… may increase the risk of SIDS. If during pregnancy, the mother: Is younger than 20 years old. Smokes or vapes. Uses … it diagnosed? SIDS is named the cause of death only when no other cause is found. To find out why a baby died, medical … some things you can do to help reduce the risk of SIDS and other deaths related to sleep. Put your baby to sleep on …
Health topics
… oral cancer include using tobacco and heavy alcohol use. Other risk factors are being male and having an HPV … your jaw or tongue Numbness or pain in your tongue or other areas of your lips or mouth Swelling in your jaw that … lips, mouth, or throat to check for signs of oral cancer. Other tests may be needed if there are possible signs of …
Health topics
… Start flossing your child's teeth when the teeth touch each other. Take good care of your own teeth and gums. Saliva … these bacteria to your baby. Avoid sharing spoons and other utensils with your baby. Also, don't "clean" your … age, frequent bottle-feedings, especially with juice or other high-sugar liquids, make a child more likely to …
Medical tests
… is used along with your symptoms, physical examination, and other tests to find an autoimmune disease. Why It Is Done An … test is positive. When the test is positive, most labs do other tests right away to look for the cause. These tests … can't be diagnosed by the results of the ANA test alone. Other tests are needed to help identify diseases such as …