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5174 results found
Health topics
… It can also affect a nerve that controls the eye muscles. Another type affects many nerves. This is called … your feet. This can lead to serious infections if sores and other problems aren't treated. Other symptoms may include problems with digestion or …
Health topics
… deep breathing. Yoga can be practiced alone or with others. There are yoga classes for all skill levels, from … focus on movement and correct ways to do each posture. Other classes are more about stress relief and mindfulness. … pain, especially low-back pain. It also seems to help with other types of chronic pain, improve quality of life in …
Health topics
… thinness is linked to success. Magazines, television, and other media have created an unrealistic image of the … exercise. They also allow users to communicate with each other so that they can encourage each other in continuing with their restrictive diets. Some …
Health topics
… counselling or advisors Respiratory, occupational, and physiotherapists Social workers Home health aides Shopping and … and medical supplies and equipment Interpreters or other special services related to your culture, ethnicity, … (not just over the telephone). Talk with your doctor or other health professionals. Write down the care plan and …
Health topics
… How easy the pump is to use. Some pumps may be heavier than others. If the pump will meet your needs. Some electric … require a power supply, and may be less expensive than other types of pumps. But they are slower than electric or … with pumping, ask for help. A lactation consultant or other breastfeeding expert can help you learn how to use a …
Health topics
… with prescription and non-prescription medicines or other natural health products you might be taking. A side effect or interaction with another medicine or natural health product may make other health conditions worse. Natural health products may …
Health topics
… based on your ability to bounce back, cope, and make use of other talents. Value yourself and build on these strengths. Your recovery includes support from others. Make friends and build relationships. Join groups where you can help others and find purpose for yourself. Your recovery lets you …
Health topics
… the drug claim they experience feelings of closeness with other people and want to touch or hug others. Ecstasy causes muscle tension and jaw-clenching, … similar to acne Possession of pills stamped with cartoon or other characters or possession of a powdered substance …
Health topics
… has more energy, feels happy, and is talkative. Other effects include: Feeling affectionate and playful. … when it is combined with alcohol or other drugs. GHB has been involved in overdoses, sexual … Flunitrazepam may lead to death when mixed with alcohol or other depressant drugs. Alcohol and Drug …
Health topics
… may shorten my life. _____I am embarrassed by the way other people look at me when I light a cigarette in a public … how my smoking habit might affect my baby. _____I think others have a lower opinion of me because I smoke. _____I … a burden to my family if I get sick due to smoking. Add any other concerns you have about smoking here: Congratulations! …