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5174 results found
Health topics
… swing. Help your child learn to stay away from swings while others are using them. Make sure children go single-file up … your child exit the landing of the slide quickly, so that other children coming down the slide don't fall on your … 2 to 5 Years Preventing Children's Injuries From Sports and Other Activities Protecting Your Skin From the Sun Scrapes …
Health topics
… from spreading, do not share towels and face cloths with other people. If your doctor prescribes antibiotics, take … boils sometimes live inside the nose and then spread to other areas, including your skin. Your doctor may also … back. Swollen Glands, Hernias, and Other Lumps Under the Skin Current as of: March 22, …
Medical tests
… It also helps the body use energy and is needed to move other electrolytes (potassium and sodium) into and out of … of magnesium is normally present in the blood. Tests for other electrolytes, such as calcium, potassium, sodium, and … also look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors. A value that isn't in the normal range may …
Health topics
… disabilities are less likely to be physically active than other children. An inactive lifestyle for these children can lead to other problems, including: Reduced fitness. Bone loss. Poor … that leads to blood clots. Low self-esteem. Relying more on others for daily living. Fewer normal social interactions. …
Medical tests
… Overview Myoglobin is a protein found in heart tissue and other muscles. It is released into the blood after damage to the heart or other muscles. Damage can occur from a serious event such as … also look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors. A value that isn't in the normal range may …
Health topics
… But some women with hirsutism don't have PCOS or any other cause that can be identified. Their hormone levels are … is it treated? Your doctor may want to do blood tests or other tests to find out if a medical problem is causing your … for unwanted hair. These include shaving, waxing, and other methods to remove the hair. …
Medical tests
… hormones that regulate the way the body uses energy and other substances through the blood. When prealbumin levels … well supplements or protein replacement fluids are working. Other health problems also may cause your levels to drop. You may need another blood test to be sure that a poor diet is the reason …
Health topics
… fussiness Crying is a late cue - this means you missed the other feeding cues. Try to soothe your baby first before … to breastfeed is easier for some people than it is for others. Planning ahead can help. Learning to breastfeed … VIDEO: Breastfeeding positions VIDEO: Cup feeding and other feeding methods VIDEO: Hand expressing milk VIDEO: …
Health topics
… syndrome may be caused by a variety of brain injuries. Other problems, such as intellectual disability, delays in physical and intellectual growth, and other mental and physical disabilities, may also be present. … syndrome may be caused by a variety of brain injuries. Other problems, such as intellectual disability, delays in …
Health topics
… or violent way. Buy or talk about having weapons or other means that could hurt or kill people. Not take … or use illegal drugs more often. Have increased fears of other people (paranoia). Say that he or she hears voices telling him or her to hurt or kill another person. Most people with schizophrenia aren't violent. …