5174 results found
Health topics
… gives you the energy to act quickly and help yourself or others. Your body goes into a "survival" mode. After the … This means you lose your temper and may feel like harming others or yourself. When you have PTSD, you can get stuck in … is always there, just under the surface. When something bothers you, you may not think about the situation before …
Health topics
… the procedure. This medicine lowers your risk of a stroke. Other medicines to help prevent the return of heart rhythm … atrial fibrillation, what is causing it, and if you have another heart problem. If you take antiarrhythmic medicines … will try to decrease this risk by using anticoagulants or other measures. The procedure may not work. You may need …
Health topics
… affects the end part of the colon. But it can also affect other parts. Most of the time, the disease is found soon … It is most common in male babies. And it can be linked to other medical problems that your doctor may want to check … but it tends to run in families. It may also be linked to other medical problems, such as Down syndrome and congenital …
Health topics
… the neck may cause weakness or unusual tingling affecting other parts of the body, including the legs. How is it … often are recommended before further testing is done. If other conditions are suspected, or if there is no … your doctor. Your doctor may recommend that you see a physiotherapist to learn how to do exercises and protect your …
Health topics
… the hand or fingers. The shaking may increase or spread to other parts of the body over time. Essential tremor doesn't cause other health problems, but it can make work or other activities more difficult. What causes it? There is no …
Medical tests
… rate. For this reason, a sed rate is done with other tests to confirm a diagnosis. After a diagnosis has … also look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors. A value that isn't in the normal range may … of a high sed rate. For this reason, the test is done with other tests to confirm a diagnosis. Results are usually …
Health topics
… workload. Some people need extra oxygen all the time. Others need it from time to time throughout the day or … (COPD) , acute respiratory disease syndrome (ARDS) , or other conditions. Risks In most cases, there are no risks … sure to follow safety rules. Do not smoke or vape or let others smoke or vape while you are using oxygen. Do not use …
Health topics
… be ready to respond to a loss at the same time as you or other people. Don't expect your teen to grieve on your … in activities that feel uncomfortable. Help your teen find other ways to express grief, such as a private service at … you're not able to handle the behaviour on your own. Tell other significant adults in your teen's life about the …
HealthLinkBC files
… includes information about how to prevent passing HIV to other people. A person with HIV can pass the virus to their … HIV testing or ways to reduce your risk of getting HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), speak to your … condoms when having sex, using safer drug use equipment and other measures. For more information about preventing HIV, …
Health features
… that can cause a concussion include: Falls Collisions with other people or objects Motor vehicle crashes Sports or … your chances of getting a concussion and can also protect others. Drive safely and wear a seat belt every time you … Safety Preventing Children's Injuries From Sports and Other Activities For more information on how to reduce the …