5174 results found
Health topics
… to identify: Behaviours, such as the need to look for another job, earn money for your family, and make other adjustments in your life. Negative thoughts, such as "I'll never get another job." Negative feelings, such as anger and depression. …
Health topics
… and rinse the stone after each use. Soak your foot or other affected area in warm, soapy water for 5 minutes or … peripheral arterial disease , peripheral neuropathy , or other conditions that cause circulatory problems or … and rinse the stone after each use. Soak your foot or other affected area in warm, soapy water for 5 minutes or …
Health topics
… your partner(s) has ever: Had sex without using a condom or other protective barrier. Had sex under the influence of … (you may not have used protection). Tested positive for another sexually transmitted or blood-borne infection, such as … hepatitis B, or hepatitis C. Shared needles, syringes or other drug use equipment when using drugs, including …
Health topics
… It can also affect a nerve that controls the eye muscles. Another type affects many nerves. This is called … and chest. Atypical neuropathies are far less common than other types of neuropathy. They often happen all of a … thigh (femoral neuropathy). These symptoms may be caused by other serious conditions. See your doctor right away if you …
Health topics
… of weakness or numbness may occur in the bitten extremity. Other symptoms may appear up to 12 to 24 hours after a bite. … think you have been bitten by a coral snake, call 9-1-1 or other emergency services immediately. … of weakness or numbness may occur in the bitten extremity. Other symptoms may appear up to 12 to 24 hours after a bite. …
Health topics
… the spread of germs, especially in child care settings or other areas where many children are together. Store dirty … exactly as printed on the label. Do not mix bleach with other liquids or cleaners, because the mixture can produce a … the spread of germs, especially in child care settings or other areas where many children are together. Store dirty …
Health topics
… such as how to balance time, manage money, and work with others. Here are some ways you can help your teen learn to … with a job search. School counsellors, family friends, and other types of community networking can be excellent … such as how to balance time, manage money, and work with others. Here are some ways you can help your teen learn to …
Health topics
… fluid that surrounds your baby. This fluid has cells and other substances in it that can give clues about your baby's … 10 and 13 weeks of pregnancy to look for Down syndrome and other serious health problems. But it can't find certain … lead to a miscarriage 899 out of 900 times. footnote 1 Other risks include: Infection. There is a very small chance …
Health topics
… seat and that ovens and toasters can cause burns. Talk with other caregivers about what problems could arise and how to … or emotionally drained or are having relationship problems. Other common causes of family stress include changes in daily routines, moving to a new house, and expecting another child. If you feel stressed, get help. Talk to your …
Health topics
… with different causes. For example, it may be caused by: Another disease. Many conditions can lead to pulmonary … be hard to diagnose pulmonary hypertension, because many other conditions can cause the same symptoms. If your doctor … into the heart through a blood vessel. Your doctor may do other tests to look for what's causing the high blood …