2374 results found
Medical tests
… goes up fast just before ovulation occurs, about midway through the cycle (day 14 of a 28-day cycle). This is called … (amenorrhea). This can help see if you have started to go through menopause. Find out if a child is going through early puberty (also called precocious puberty). …
Health topics
… date with airport security rules. When you get ready to go through security, tell the officer that you have diabetes … prescription for your needles and syringes to be allowed through airport security. Put your insulin, if needed, into … insulin. Take both with you on your trip to help you pass through customs with your syringes, needles, and other …
HealthLinkBC files
… or close face-to-face contact. It can also be spread through saliva. Babies and young children can become sick through sharing soothers, bottles or toys used by other children. Older children and adults can become sick through activities such as kissing, or sharing food, drinks, …
HealthLinkBC files
… commonly known as flesh-eating disease. It can spread fast through the flesh surrounding muscles. In some cases, death … GAS breathes, coughs, or sneezes, the bacteria are spread through the air. If you breathe in air or touch objects … become infected. GAS can also spread from person to person through close contact such as kissing, sharing drinking …
HealthLinkBC files
… is a very severe bacterial infection that spreads quickly through the tissue (flesh) surrounding the muscles. In some … an infected person coughs or sneezes, the bacteria spread through droplets in the air. You can become infected when … put your hands in your mouth. The bacteria can also spread through close personal contact. For example, kissing or …
Health topics
… your knee. After the graft is in place and blood is flowing through it, the doctor uses stitches or staples to close the … To bypass a narrowed or blocked artery, blood is redirected through a graft. The graft is either a healthy blood vessel … the femoral and popliteal arteries so that blood can travel through the graft and around the diseased part. What To …
Health topics
… groups. In a peer group, you'll find people who are going through the same things you are. You'll see that you're not … same type of problems. Because they know what you have gone through, they can be good role models and coaches. A … have to see or call your friends every day. If you're going through a rough patch, ask friends if it's okay to contact …
Health topics
… aorta is a large artery. It carries blood from your heart through your belly to the rest of your body. If you don't … the groin area. Thin tubes, called catheters, are inserted through the cuts and into blood vessels. The doctor guides … a stent graft. After the procedure, your blood will flow through the stent graft. It will not push on the aneurysm. …
Health topics
… incisions. The doctor will put the graft in your belly through the incisions. The graft is connected to the aorta … the diseased part of the blood vessel, blood is redirected through a graft. The graft is made of man-made material. … above and below the diseased vessel so that blood flows through the graft and around the narrowed or blocked part. …
Health topics
… shock syndrome. How is it spread? Dengue fever is spread through the bite of mosquitoes that carry the virus. The virus cannot spread from person to person through casual contact. People who have dengue fever should … containing DEET or icaridin, because mosquitoes may bite through thin clothing. (Be aware that DEET can damage …