4815 results found
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… to an air column containing a ball or a similar device. As you breathe inward, the ball within the air column … How high the ball moves up shows how much air you inhale. A healthy person who has not had surgery can typically inhale … by: Carefully monitoring your fluid intake and output. Restricting the amount of salt in your diet. Giving you …
Health topics
… or upper small intestine. They form when the digestive juices produced by the stomach erode or eat away the lining of … will ask you questions about your symptoms and your general health. The doctor will do a physical examination. If your … Peptic Ulcers Current as of: March 22, 2023 Author: Healthwise Staff Medical Review: E. Gregory Thompson MD - …
Health topics
… includes helping your child drink extra fluids when you notice symptoms and urging your child to urinate often. … infections. Your doctor will also ask about your child's health and do a physical examination. If your doctor thinks … Reflux (VUR) Current as of: March 1, 2023 Author: Healthwise Staff Medical Review: John Pope MD - Pediatrics …
Health topics
… team which pumps they recommend. If your provincial health plan covers the cost of a pump, find out which pump … are covered. Get information about the pumps you're interested in. There are a number of insulin pump companies, and … insulin pump on a waistband or belt may be the obvious choice. But people may ask about the pump. If you'd rather …
Health topics
… every request. At your child's 2-year regular checkup, the health professional will ask you about your child's progress … a period where they like being clean and organized. Act interested when other family members use the toilet. Be careful … considering that most people are bombarded with advice and expectations from relatives, friends, and daycare …