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1042 results found
Health topics
… a really long time." After that, Sarah knew she had to quit smoking. "My husband had been telling me for years to quit, … knew I really had to do it. My mom had COPD but never quit smoking, and her last years were really hard." It took a year, a few tries, the help of a quit-smoking group at a local hospital, and medicines before …
Health topics
… foods, being active, staying at a healthy weight, and not smoking. FAQs How can you know your risk of heart attack and … weight if you need to, and staying at a healthy weight. Not smoking. Managing other health problems. These include … a healthy weight, managing other health problems, and not smoking. Studies show that statins can lower the risk of …
Health topics
… can be intense for the first few days when you stop smoking, but they will get better with time. Here are some … yet, get rid of them. Remind yourself why you stopped smoking. Remember that most cravings do go away after 20 … can be intense for the first few days when you stop smoking, but they will get better with time. Here are some …
Health topics
… causes include lung infection and injury to the lungs from smoking or being around smoke, dirty air, chemicals, and … causes include lung infection and injury to the lungs from smoking or being around smoke, dirty air, chemicals, and …
Health topics
… by getting rid of the source of pollution. Don't allow smoking in your house. If smokers live in or visit your … by getting rid of the source of pollution. Don't allow smoking in your house. If smokers live in or visit your …
Health topics
… nasal cream. Do not smoke, and avoid second-hand smoke. Smoking can dry out your nose and increase your chance of a … If you need help quitting, talk to your doctor about stop-smoking programs and medicines. These can increase your … nasal cream. Do not smoke, and avoid second-hand smoke. Smoking can dry out your nose and increase your chance of a …
Health topics
… such as: COPD . COPD: Learning to Breathe Easier . Quitting Smoking . Oxygen Therapy: Using Oxygen at Home . COPD: … One Health Problem Lung Cancer and Other Lung Problems From Smoking Lung Function in COPD Nebulizer for COPD Treatment Ned's Story: Quitting Smoking Oxygen Therapy Oxygen Treatment for Chronic …
Health topics
… surgery or angioplasty. Lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking and eating better could help you live longer. … of stairs. High cholesterol, high blood pressure, and smoking add to plaque buildup and PAD. How is peripheral … changes and take medicines. Lifestyle changes include not smoking, eating healthy, and exercising. Either of these …